Chapter 537 Tug of War

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When several domain lords were still talking about the Nine-headed Demon Luan, the Nine-headed Demon Luan's injuries had almost recovered.

The two sides once again started a tug-of-war. Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were practicing in space. The two of them were already at the peak of the Xuanzun Realm. However, it was extremely difficult for the Xuanzun Realm to break through to the Enlightenment Realm. Suddenly, It is also difficult to break through.

Wan Xiangxiang took out some resources. These were all good things collected from several domain owners. Pills were second. Once these spiritual treasures were used well, their effectiveness was no worse than pills.

While talking, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing had already taken countless level 12 elixirs and had developed a certain degree of resistance. The thirteenth-level elixir for improving cultivation has certain restrictions on the Xuanzun realm. Taking too much will indeed damage the foundation. The two of them only took one pill. It took a year outside and only one day in the dimensional space.

Several domain masters got a lot of poison pills this time, and they started using them directly with the spirit pattern method from the beginning.

The Nine-Headed Demon Luan was poisoned, but it seemed to be immune, and it no longer had the same effect as when it was used for the first time.

This made several domain owners puzzled!

They originally planned to use poison pills to restrain the other party's actions, and then consume the other party's spiritual energy so that it would not have enough spiritual power to heal itself. However, this sudden change only made the two sides deadlocked.

Fighting is the best thing to temper oneself. After several battles, the strength of several domain lords is also steadily improving. With some experience, a few people can hold a stalemate with the Nine-headed Demon Luan.

The spirit refiner who originally had a live broadcast also started a live broadcast this time.

This time the battlefield is in the Shadow Star Territory, but it does not affect the enthusiasm of the audience. This is a matter of life and death in the Thousand Birds Star Territory, and the people of the entire Star Network are very concerned about it.

"If only my strength could be higher, I would definitely go to fight the enemy with the domain lords!"

"It's a pity that we can't participate in this battle."

The battle between the two parties was huge. Although it was in space, the remnants of the attack still hit the nearby planets, so much so that two smaller planets were directly bombarded into ashes.

Everyone is watching the tense situation here.

Some of the Domain Lords' own moves can also be used against the Nine-Headed Demon Luan.

The fighting never stopped, and ten days passed quickly...

Everyone in the Star Network was very nervous, and several cameras were even partially shattered after being hit by the attack.

A month has passed...

Several Territory Lords were a little tired.

"What happened to these nine-headed demon luan? Why can it still recover at this time?" Chu Yi broke out with sweat on his forehead.

Wu Xuantian said: "It is indeed a ferocious beast from ancient times. I finally understand why the great powers spent so much manpower and could only seal him in the end."

Ling Zerui said: "It's a pity that we are just martial artists and don't know those sealing techniques at all."

"It would be great if that guy Wan Xiang was also in the realm of enlightenment. He would definitely be able to seal the nine-headed demon Luan." Chu Yi sighed.

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