Chapter 452 I don't want to take the blame

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing looked at each other, somewhat confused.

Mu Qing said: "What happened just now? Why did he die?"

Wan Liangxiang shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't see anything just now."

What happened to that moment of blankness just now? Wan Xiangxiang felt as if he had lost his memory for a few seconds. If this was his opponent's method, he would definitely have no power to fight back.

Mu Qing's expression was also a little solemn. He did not feel any crisis. Just like Wan Xiangxiang, his memory was blank for a few seconds.

Wan Xiangxiang looked at Kong Bin's expression again. His eyes had not been closed yet, but he did not see any fear in his eyes. He must have felt the same as them at that time, and his life was taken away unknowingly.

Thousands of spiritual energy traveled through Kong Bin's body, and the heart in his chest was gone.

"Let's get out of here first." Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing left the place and returned to their room.

Wan Xiangxiang still has doubts in his heart, such as what was the familiar power before the blank memory appeared?

He couldn't remember any relevant information at the moment.

It has to be said that this power is completely superior to his! It made him feel uneasy.

About five hours later. There was a buzz in the hotel!

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing looked at each other, guessing that Kong Bin's incident had been discovered.

"Should we go see the excitement?" Mu Qing asked.

Wan Xiangxiang thought for a while and said, "Let's forget it. People can't remember us right now. If we show up, maybe we can be charged with something casually?"

"But wouldn't this make us feel too guilty to go?" Mu Qing thought carefully. Wan Xiangxiang shook his head and said: "There will be more troubles in the past. I just hope that no one will sit at home and the pot will come from the sky."

Outside the hall.

A middle-aged man said: "Your hotel must give us an explanation for this matter! The murderer must be handed over!" The hotel management was also helpless. This person had an accident in their hotel. It stands to reason that a person would die in this star field. It's not a big deal, but the problem is that the person who died was Kong Feizhi's grandson, and I heard that his qualifications were the best among the Kong family's generation.

At this moment, the Kong family's hope died here, and it also made the hotel management very difficult!

"Our hotel will definitely investigate this matter carefully, but we don't rule out that your enemies are coming!" The hotel management also refused to give in. The meaning is obvious. You think the person died in the hotel, and the hotel must give an explanation. We also think that you brought your enemies into the hotel, causing the hotel to suffer losses!

"What do you mean! Do you want to shirk the responsibility?!" The middle-aged man spoke forcefully, and his power burst out in an instant. Several people with low cultivation levels who were watching the excitement could not bear the power and sat down. On the ground!

The hotel management was not to be outdone, and its power overwhelmed him!

The two collided, and some of the surrounding debris was blown away by the momentum. There were also several juniors in the Kong family who couldn't stand the momentum.

"Uncle An..." Someone from the Kong family couldn't hold it back and sat down on the ground.

Only then did the middle-aged man realize that the situation seemed to be unfavorable to him, so he had no choice but to show weakness!

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