Chapter 532 Discussing Traveling Again

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The Dream Eater Spider discovered the fluctuation yesterday. It originally thought that the domain lords were back, so it didn't pay much attention to it. Then there was no movement, so it ignored it.

At this moment, Wanshengxiang started talking, and it realized that this place might have been invaded.

Wan Xiangxiang said: "Follow me." He didn't know if the enemy was still in this house, so he had better be more cautious.

He has laid defensive spiritual patterns all around this stall. It stands to reason that no matter whether it is coming from the sky or coming down from the ground, as long as it damages the protective layer with a certain amount of attack power, he will be able to detect it immediately.

It was precisely because of this that when Ling Zerui attacked, he was able to immediately notice someone outside.

This time he was completely unaware. If Mu Qing hadn't been so alert, he would have ignored the situation this time.

Anyone who can enter here without knowing it must have a high level of spiritual pattern mountain pass. Therefore, the defensive spiritual patterns he has laid out are likely to have been modified.

Wan Xiangxiang went to check the place where the spiritual patterns were arranged. Just as he thought, he arranged defensive spiritual patterns in several directions. One of them had a dim light, which was obviously tampered with before.

Wan Xiangxiang frowned. The only enemy he could think of immediately was the Nine-headed Demon Luan.

According to what several Territory Lords said, he was very likely to be seriously injured. At this moment, it seemed that the injury was not a problem. He did not smell any blood in the air. This at least proved that the Nine-Headed Demon Luan No trauma.

And the Nine-headed Demon Luan entered his house secretly. If the Nine-headed Demon Luan was really as powerful as several domain owners said, then he could just knock on the door, so why do it so secretly?

This means that the strength of the Nine-headed Demon Luan has been reduced to a certain extent, so they dare not cause chaos directly when several domain lords are still at the headquarters.

"Could it be the Nine-Headed Demon Luan?" Mu Qing felt that there was a high chance that it was the Nine-Headed Demon Luan.

Wan Xiangxiang nodded and said: "There is a 90% chance that it is the Nine-Headed Demon Luan."

Mu Qing said: "Then why did he come here?"

Wan Xiangxiang thought for a while and replied: "If I guessed correctly, he might have come for me and you."

Just like what they said before, Wan Xiangxiang is a thirteenth-level weapon refiner and spiritual pattern master.

Mu Qing is a thirteenth level alchemist.

Several Territory Lords also fought against the Nine-headed Demon Luan last time. Several Territory Lords took out so many spiritual scrolls and spiritual weapon pills at once. The Nine-headed Demon Luan who has tried the power of these things should also She is interested in him and Mu Qing, maybe because she wants to use her own abilities to take advantage of Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing's abilities.

The thought of this gave me a chill.

If he and Mu Qing hadn't been away this time, he might have been killed and had his abilities taken away.

Wan Xiangxiang didn't know how the Nine-headed Demon Luan felt now. He would leave so quickly. Maybe he thought Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were both hidden, otherwise there would be no reason to leave so quickly.

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