Chapter 569 Extra: A Spider (2)

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The two humans who raised the dream-eating spider finally moved to a place with many hot spring pools!

Spider is quite satisfied here, however.

These two humans have gone too far! He actually fell asleep in front of it! It is still a minor!

So it climbed onto the robot's face, trying to block its sight. The human named Mu Qing often said that the robot was still a child. Um! Smaller than that! We can't let these two shameless humans lead the children into bad ways.

But Dream Eclipse Spider didn't know that the robot's scanning instrument was not on the display screen, but at the top of the display screen.

The spider looked at the two men who had just thrown stones into the water. Now the pool had changed color!

When it went to the pool again the next day, the white water turned into black and white! What is this black thing?

The spider hid secretly and watched the two humans become stronger after soaking in the black pool water! This puts the spider in a bit of trouble!

These two have become so strong! How could it beat these two people to the ground and then trample them under its feet as slaves? Thinking of this, the spider was so anxious that it was spinning around! The spider was anxious for some time, and then decided to soak in the spring water himself!

I ran to the edge of the pool and found that the water inside had returned to black and white. The spider jumped into the pool without caring about anything else! The water caused pain all over its body, and it struggled!

The robot saw it jumping into the water and ran over.

As soon as the robot came over, it also attracted the attention of several other plants raised by Mu Qing! They were pulled out of the soil one after another! Jumped into the pool one by one!

If the spider hadn't been all white except for one spot, its face would have turned black by now!

This bunch of idiots! I actually soaked in a hot spring pool with it. Isn't this the kind of big bathhouse in the earth drama? It really cannot be compared with high-end things like hot springs!

It's all this robot's fault! Even if it soaks in on its own, why does it need to bring such a large group with it?

but! Outnumbered and outnumbered, the spider had no choice but to accept its fate.

These guys didn't care about taking a bath in the hot springs. It was obviously the one who came first, but they squeezed themselves into a corner! The spider was so angry that he fell into a drowsy sleep.

It entered a different world in a daze, which was full of its woven fabrics.

It started knitting again, and the knitting seemed to come to life, and it seemed to have turned into a real world. The spider knows that this is just its racial talent, which can make these things more realistic, but it does not really exist.

The spider made up a self, and this self was tall and mighty! How majestic!

But it only dares to think about it in its own world, what if it really becomes so big! Those two humans are probably going to take advantage of it! It is not their opponent yet, so they can only endure it for the time being! It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years, it comforts itself like this.

While the spider is weaving the world, it is eating the spiritual power it collected from the disaster planet. It feels that its strength is increasing and it is about to enter adulthood!

The size of the spider was also growing rapidly. Seeing that its figure was getting bigger, it panicked a little. If it went out like this, it would probably be eaten by those two guys! So it controlled the body to become smaller, smaller, and smaller again, until it finally became as big as the palm of your hand.

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