Chapter 418: Struggle for the rise of farming! (one)

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With a new goal in mind, Wan Xiangxiang began to prepare.

First, let everyone go to the Star Network to see if there is any small job suitable for them.

He also rummaged around. He and Mu Qing still had a lot of unused materials, so they picked some and took them to the Star Network for consignment.

Mu Qing was in the yard, spawning some spiritual plants, and then he could scan the mature spiritual plants into the star network and put them on consignment in some medicinal shops.

What should be consigned has already been consigned, and Wan Xiangxiang is not idle. He wants to find something suitable in a field he is familiar with.

He can make mechas and draw spiritual patterns!

But it's a pity that mechas are not popular here! There are so many materials needed to make mechas, and using good materials is such a waste! The used materials have no effect!

Mechas are different from flying spiritual weapons. The main function of flying spiritual weapons is only to fly, and the requirements for materials are not high. Mechas are equipment used for combat, and the materials must not be shoddy.

Just imagine, if the mecha hits a person with its fist, the enemy will be fine! My mecha fist is broken! This kind of thing is very shameful, okay?

As for drawing spiritual patterns and refining spiritual weapons...

As long as you take a step forward, you will find that the world is full of malice!

Just like an alchemist, an alchemist needs to be certified! Spiritual Pattern Masters also have to take the exam! The weapon refiner also has to take the exam!

So there is another endless cycle of not being able to go to the planet where soul refiners can go to do research, and not being able to do research, and not being able to sell items...

Fortunately, Wan Xiangxiang finally found something he could do. This job was relatively simple and only required refining materials.

Some materials must be refined during refining to start refining impurities, but there are also some materials that do not need to be refined during refining.

In many cases, the weapon refiner will not waste too much time on refining the basic materials. In this case, the materials will be handed over to his apprentices. However, not every weapon refiner has an apprentice, so he can only go to StarNet is looking for someone who can complete this task.

This kind of work is usually left to apprentices who plan to take the test as weapon masters! So there are no specific requirements, but compensation will be given based on the purity of the extracted materials!

This is an exclusive trading platform for weapon refiners on the Star Network! It is specifically designed to serve the transactions between weapon refiners and apprentices, but the boundaries here are not obvious. Some people are weapon refiners and apprentices at the same time.

Because generally someone who can refine second-level materials means that he is likely to be a first-level weapon refiner! Those who can refine third-level materials are probably second-level weapon refiners! Therefore, the boundaries between apprentices and weapon refiners are blurred.

After Wan Xiangxiang filled in his identity information, he registered an account on the weapon refiner trading platform. A certain deposit was required to receive the task. Wan Xiangxiang was not yet sure of the absolute safety of this platform, so in the end he only received a second-level refining task.

【mission target】

Refining jade sky silver.

[Task requirements]

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