Chapter 556

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Zeng Fei took a deep breath when he heard such an outrageous condition: "Is this true!?"

Kong Chen glared at him: "When did I keep my word? I said I would teach you the eighth-level elixir. When did I not teach you?"

Zeng Fei said: "Hand it over!"

"Then do you want to learn the ninth-level elixir?" Kong Chen said calmly.

"Learn!" Zeng Fei no longer hesitated and immediately stripped himself down to just a pair of underwear. Compiled by Yuxi team, please stay tuned.

Kong Chen's eyes moved up and down for several minutes.

Zeng Fei's hair stood up at the sight, and he had to interrupt: "Is that okay? I'm freezing to death."

Kong Chen said dissatisfied: "You are already a Ningxin state person, but you are still afraid of the cold? Who are you kidding?"

Zeng Fei didn't say anything. Wasn't it scary to be stared at?

After watching it for more than ten minutes, Kong Chen said, "You must have eaten the pork knuckle and gained a lot of meat."

Zeng Fei defended in a low voice: "I didn't." It was true that he had eaten meat, but it was roasted lamb leg, not pork knuckle.

Kong Chen waved his hand and said compassionately: "Put on your clothes."

Kong Chen gave him a recipe for a ninth-level elixir, as well as ten spiritual plant medicinal materials: "This elixir is relatively simple. It is my introductory elixir for the ninth-level elixir. You should start with this. I I need to go to my master’s place.”

Kong Chen left Zeng Fei and went to find Mu Qing. He has mastered the level 10 elixir, so of course he has to report it to his master to see if there is any way to improve the success rate of the elixir.

Mu Qing once again found a few books and threw them to him, and then told him some practice methods for precise control of mental power.

After Kong Chen received the guidance, he threw himself into a new round of refining.

Mu Qing ignored his apprentice's affairs. He returned to his room that night and brought out a large flowerpot.

Wan Xiangxiang saw this large flower pot with a diameter of three meters and asked doubtfully: "What? You want to grow flowers in the room?"

Mu Qing shook his head and said, "No. I have flowers and I have to sleep in the flower pot for two days."

After Mu Qing finished speaking, he turned into a smaller version of his true body and planted it in a flower pot.

There are many buds on Qiandaomu's body. These buds have not yet opened and have not grown up yet.

Wan Xiangxiang was speechless. Mu Qing was sleeping in a flowerpot, so didn't he want to sleep by himself?

Wan Xiangxiang asked, "Why do you want to sleep in a flower pot all of a sudden?" Mu Qing's flowering period was not so particular last time.

Mu Qing said: "I don't know. The inheritance is right. At least we have to wait until the flowers bloom."

Wan Xiangxiang had no choice: "Okay, when will your flowers bloom? It won't affect the wedding, right?"

Mu Qing said: "No, even if it doesn't happen, it won't affect the wedding. It's not like I can't change back to my human form. At least I have to stay in the soil for six more hours at night."

There are a lot of spiritual crystals buried in Mu Qing's flowerpot, so there is no need to worry about insufficient spiritual energy.

Wan Xiangxiang said nothing more after hearing this.

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