Chapter 559 Blooming

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Before the banquet subsided, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing left early.

With their cultivation levels, there is no need to accompany the guests for too long.

After that, Wan Xiangxiang carried Mu Qing and planned to go back to the bridal chamber.

As soon as Mu Qing returned to the room, he shrank into the flower pot and transformed into his true form.

Wan Xiangxiang, who had just closed the door, turned around and saw Mu Qing, who had transformed into his true form and was planted in a flower pot. Next to him was a pile of clothes that Mu Qing had taken off.

Wan Xiangxiang was speechless: "Are you going to sleep in a flower pot tonight?!"

Mu Qing's branch swayed: "Yes, it will bloom in a few days."

Wan Xiangxiang felt that he was really in a tragedy. On the wedding night, his wife actually abandoned him and went to sleep in a flower pot? !

Wan Xiangxiang fell asleep with his head covered in some depression.

Early the next morning, Wan Xiangxiang keenly smelled the fragrance of flowers.

Wan Xiangxiang immediately opened his eyes vigilantly, and his first subconscious reaction was to look in the direction of Mu Qing.

The source of the fragrance came from Mu Qing's body, and all the original flowers were in full bloom.

These flowers seem to be quite aggressive, with the tops of the petals being spike-like.

Wan Xiangxiang touched his belly subconsciously, remembering the scene when he was stabbed and bled by this flower...

The color of the flowers changed from white to red, yellow, orange... After changing several colors, they finally settled on black.

Wan Xiangxiang looked aside for a long time. There were not many flowers, twenty-three in total.

After the more than twenty-three flowers turned black, ten withered and only three remained.

Wan Xiangxiang was stunned by this turn of events and said, "Mu Qing? Are you awake?"

Mu Qing didn't respond, probably because he hadn't woken up yet.

The fragrance from the black flowers became stronger and stronger, and the whole room was filled with this fragrance.

Wan Xiangxiang swallowed, feeling that the smell here made his anger a little ambiguous.

"Mu Qing..."

Wan Xiangxiang spoke again.

"Huh?" Mu Qing finally responded.

Wan Xiangxiang asked: "What are you doing?"

Mu Qing felt his state and replied: "I have blossomed."

Wan Xiangxiang thought for a moment. The last time Mu Qing bloomed, there was a bud, but she didn't know if it was still like this now.

While Wan Xiangxiang was thinking this, Mu Qing gradually returned to his human form.

Wan Xiangxiang looked down subconsciously. It was okay, okay, it was more or less normal.

The right time, right place and right people! Wan Xiangxiang decided to make up for last night's wedding night, so he took advantage of the situation and pounced on the man.

Three days later, the wedding banquet had ended and the two protagonists were not present. Wanli was responsible for sending most of the guests away.

Many people who attended the wedding banquet this time have gained something, and there are dozens of people who have achieved breakthroughs.

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