Chapter 409 Is it love at first sight?

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"Funing Station is in front of the train. Passengers getting off the train should be prepared in advance. The right door will open. Please do not lean on or hold the door."

Wan Xiangxiang woke up to the sound of the station announcement and yawned.

What happened to him?


I worked overtime too late just in time to catch the last subway train.

I seemed to have had a long dream on the subway just now, but it was a pity that I almost forgot the content of the dream. It seemed to be a quite interesting dream.

He still remembered a few scattered fragments.

The subway arrives.

The sound left the subway station, and the street seemed a bit deserted at this time.

After a few minutes, he took out the key and opened the door to his house.


Everything at home is very familiar.

Wan Xiangxiang took off his shoes and coat and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Lying back**.

Then what?


I just fell asleep on the subway for a while, and now I seem to be very awake.

The phone beeped, and he grabbed it and looked through it.

Fan Fei, his studio partner, sent him a WeChat message. Wan Xiangxiang has always felt that the name Fan Fei is not very good. Fan Fei Fan Fei, there is still money to be made even if the rice is gone. In fact, this is the fact. Fan Fei every day There won’t be any monthly salary left.

"Remember to dress up better tomorrow and don't scare other girls away by being so sloppy."

What girl?

Wan Xiangxiang rubbed his temples.

correct! Tomorrow is a day off, so he has to work overtime until now, because Fan Fei said that he would introduce a girl to him tomorrow and asked him to finish what he was doing so that he could go on a date tomorrow.

Besides, Wan Xiangxiang is also a 28-year-old young man. Normal men would get married at this stage.

Even if you’re not married, it’s time to fall in love!

Even if you are not in love, your parents and relatives should urge you to get married!

However! Wanxiangxiang does not have such troubles.

Because he was just an orphan, and his parents died unexpectedly when he was five years old, he lived until adulthood relying on the compensation from the insurance company.

As for my grandparents, they have all passed away.

Both his parents were only children, and there were no uncles or aunts.

Therefore, Wan Xiangxiang can be said to be a solitary person with no worries.

On the second day, Wan Xiangxiang arrived at the date restaurant according to the time and place.

The woman was already sitting in her seat, and Wan Xiangxiang could only see her back.

The back looks quite well-proportioned and elegant, with no flaws.

Wan Xiangxiang thought to himself, could this guy Fan Fei have really reliably introduced him to a good partner this time? Wan Xiangxiang walked over.

"Sorry, I'm late." The woman raised her head, and Wan Xiangxiang saw her face.

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