Chapter 529 Nine songs appear

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After the several domain masters left, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing became somewhat idle.

Mu Qing was lying on the rocking chair, drinking juice and eating snacks. She and Wan Xiangxiang kept talking to each other: "It's great to have someone tall to hold me up!"

Wan Xiangxiang peeled an orange and said, "The Nine-Headed Demon Luan hasn't come out yet. We still don't know if the Territory Lords can handle it."

"They have so many spiritual weapons and spiritual scrolls that they can smash at will. If they can't defeat them, then it's useless, right?" Mu Qing himself sold a lot of elixirs to them at a cheap price. The domain owner still has high hopes.

Wan Xiangxiang put the peeled orange into Mu Qing's hand: "We can't continue to relax. Let's start practicing tomorrow. It's best to break through when the domain masters are not around. Then they will be defeated." Even if we come back, it won’t stop us from entering the realm of enlightenment.”

When they enter the Realm of Enlightenment, even a few Territory Lords will be unable to do anything to them. Without the Nine-headed Demon Luan, several Territory Lords will not be able to defeat them, and they will be able to run rampant in the Thousand Birds Star Territory!

Mu Qing ate two slices of orange: "I haven't had two days of leisure, am I going to practice again?"

"When our cultivation reaches the highest point of the Thousand Birds Star Territory, you will have a long time to relax."

"Okay then." Mu Qing thought about it and felt that this theory was correct.

If you want to stay in the planet space to practice, it means that you have to consume a lot of spiritual crystals.

Naturally, you have to sell things in exchange for spiritual crystals.

As early as ten days ago, Wan Xiangxiang put some unused level 11 spiritual weapons and level 12 spiritual weapons up for auction. These level 12 items cannot be sold at a high price at the headquarters of the Holy Blessing Alliance, so Wan Xiangxiang plans to sell them throughout the Chidori Star Territory.

The auction location is on a nearby first-level planet. If you are too late to arrive at the scene, you can also bid through the star network.

On the day of the auction, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing did not go out. They stayed at the headquarters of the Holy Blessing Alliance and watched on the star network. After the auction ended, the spiritual crystals were transferred to their hands through the transmission disk.

After getting a large amount of spiritual crystals, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing entered seclusion again.

But the aftertaste of this auction has not receded yet.

Not to mention thousands of years, even in the past ten thousand years, there has never been such a grand high-end auction.

Every auction item released this time is the best among the best. Each piece can compare the fine creations of past masters to dust.

At that time, the spirit refiners of Xuan Yi Realm and Xuan Zun Realm were a little crazy when they got the news. Even if the auction charged a high admission fee, it could not stop the enthusiasm of these spirit refiners.

Everyone wants to know who is behind this auction, and who provides these spiritual patterns, spiritual weapons and elixirs! However, the two people being discussed had already entered the planet space to practice.

On a certain planet in the border battlefield.

Several Territory Lords stood together with serious expressions.

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