Chapter 464 Let's go to the Maokeng and take a look!

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Shi Zhen invited the people in, asked them to sit down, and prepared tea and snacks for them.

Of course, what he was most concerned about was the Green Condensation in Wan Xiangxiang's hand, so he cut to the chase and said, "Brother Wan! I don't know about the Green Condensation you are talking about..." Shi Zhen did not finish the rest of his words.

Naturally, Wan Xiangxiang understood what he meant, and directly took out a jar of green juice gel: "It's here."

Shi Zhen's hand took it with some trembling.

Wan Liangxiang said: "I have five+ cans in hand that I can sell to you, but you should test this product first. If it is confirmed to be effective, you can give it to me at the normal price. If it is not effective, I will not take any money from this can. It’s given to you.”

"This, how can this be so embarrassing!" Even though Shi Zhen said this, he quickly took the Qing Cui Gel. God knows, except for the first time when his cousin reminded them and asked him to buy a bottle, no matter how many times he robbed it! All can only end in failure!

Now that what he had been thinking about was actually placed in front of him, it would be a lie to say he wasn't excited.

Wan Xiangxiang said: "You give it a try. What if I am a liar? It's not like you won't give me the spiritual crystal anyway."

"Then I'm not welcome!" Shi Zhen swallowed and opened the lid eagerly.

He picked up the spoon, took a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wan Xiangxiang was a little choked. Originally, this spoon was really just used to scoop out facial masks, but accidentally it became used for eating...

After Shi Zhen finished eating the Green Extract Gel, his body began to shed impurities.

Half an hour later, the effect of a jar of Green Extract Gel had been squandered, and Shi Zhen also opened his eyes.

Shi Zhen felt that his body was much lighter and said: "Okay! This effect is really great!" He almost had the illusion of walking in the clouds!

Wan Liangxiang said: "If you want the remaining fifty bottles, I can sell them to you."

Shi Zhen said quickly: "I want it! I want them all!"

Wan Xiangxiang directly handed fifty bottles of Green Essence Condensation to Shi Zhen, and Shi Zhen happily transferred the money to Wan Xiangxiang! Holding dozens of jars of Green Extract Gel, smiling like a fool! Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing both couldn't bear to look at it.

After Shi Zhen giggled for a while, he came to his senses, put away all the Qing Cui Gel, and asked: "By the way, didn't you say you wanted to ask me for help if you have something? What is it?"

With Green Extract Gel as the base, Shi Zhen is even more enthusiastic about Wan Xiangxiang!

Wan Liangxiang nodded: "I really need your help with something." He said and took out a black stone from the space ring.

"Do you know where this kind of stone can be found?" he asked.

Shi Zhen looked at what Wan Xiangxiang had taken out, with a strange look on his face, just like the way the people around him looked at Wan Xiangxiang when he picked up the stone.

Wan Xiangxiang felt his scalp numb at this sight. What did each of these mean?

Shi Zhen did not answer his question immediately, but asked: "Where did you get this thing from?"

Wan Liangxiang replied: "I saw this thing falling from a person, so I picked it up."

He paused and said, "I said he dropped something, but he didn't admit it. He also said I was a lunatic and insisted that something that wasn't his belongs to him."

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