Chapter 552 Arrival

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On the way back, Mu Qing called Kong Chen over and handed him some knowledge on alchemy.

Kong Chen is still relatively weak in this area. He only planted spiritual plants in the past. His exposure to alchemy was only in recent years, and his foundation is relatively shallow.

Mu Qing is actually a little confused about alchemy, but Mu Qing has a lot of alchemy books in his hands, and many of them are alchemy books that are very rare outside!

Kong Chen felt like he had found a treasure!

If you don't understand something, you will still ask Mu Qing. Mu Qing doesn't understand much himself, but he can still answer some questions because he has the inheritance of Qiandao Mu.

As a member of the Wood Clan, Mu Qing had a certain talent for understanding plants. He didn't know the theory, but he could teach Kong Chen the practice.

Kong Chen felt that this was just right. He could get theoretical knowledge from books, and he could get practical knowledge from his own master!

Mu Qing just taught some boring lessons on the way back. He will probably be busy farming when he returns to the planet.

Kong Chen entered the realm of crazy alchemy.

Zeng Fei was much more comfortable without Kong Chen's harassment, but he was still wearing Kong Chen's underwear, which was strange!

Then Mu Qing gave him a lot of clothes, but they were just outerwear, and they didn't give him any inner clothes!

On the way, Mu Qing wanted to go down to buy some things. After more than ten days of walking and stopping, they finally arrived at the outskirts of the nameless galaxy Wanxiangxiang and found one of the planets with teleportation spiritual patterns. On that planet landed on.

Everyone who stepped out of the spaceship was a little stunned.

Wanli said with a look of disbelief: "Could this be the planet with rich spiritual energy that you mentioned?"

Mu Qing shook his head and said: "What are you thinking about? How can such a desolate star be the planet we are talking about! Our planet is quite good, not so broken!"

Wan Xiangxiang patted his chest: "It's okay, okay! I thought you just wanted to trick us into coming here to do hard labor, and that's why you spoke so arrogantly about the planet."

Mu Qing felt guilty and said in a rough voice: "What nonsense are you talking about! Are we such people?"

Wanli glanced at him and asked doubtfully: "Aren't you?"

Mu Qing: "..."

Wan Xiangxiang interrupted the bickering between the two: "Okay, business is more important. Let's go to the teleportation array first."

Yuanyuanfangfang transformed into two robots and followed the team.

Wan Xiangxiang took the lead and found the place where the teleportation spirit patterns had been laid out.

Once you arrive at the location, the state of your spiritual energy is different.

The spirit-calling wood planted by Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing some time ago has produced some results. The spiritual energy around the teleportation spirit pattern is much richer than in other places.

Wan Xiangxiang asked everyone to stand on a position, and he himself stood up.

When the spiritual lines were activated, the fine lines quickly absorbed the spiritual energy around them. A bright light lit up, and everyone was transformed into a different world in an instant. The first feeling is the aura coming from the pavement.

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