Chapter 458 Pseudo-level seven spiritual plant seeds

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing took Kong Chen to collect the reward before leaving Hengguang City. Then they met with the president of the Agricultural Association at the meeting point, and everyone left Hengguang City on the spiritual weapon together.

Before the president of the Agricultural Association separated from Mu Qing and the others, he gave Mu Qing all the rewards he deserved as a judge: "This is the reward for being a judge."

Mu Qing was not polite, took the things and asked, "What about the period reduction?"

The president of the association replied: "Don't worry, I will ask someone to record it for you when I get back. Then you can go to the Star Network to check your resident user information. It will all be recorded on it."

Mu Qing nodded in response.

The president of the association said goodbye: "Remember to come and sit in the association when you have time!"

"Don't worry, I'm cultivating new varieties. It will be over in a few days!" Can Mu Qing not understand the president's thoughts?

The president of the Agricultural Association smiled: "You still understand me!"

The Agricultural Association promoted and sold watermelon juice in the name of the association! During this period of sales, we have accumulated a certain number of regular customers!

The sales scene is very hot! The Agricultural Association is not an organization that will completely appropriate other people's results. The watermelon juice information indicates that Mu Qing is the developer of this watermelon juice! And the watermelon juice will be marked with the "Mu Qing Improved" logo to prevent other customers from buying it by mistake.

And 30% of the profit from the sales will be given to Mu Qing, whether it is spiritual crystals or contribution points!

Several new spiritual plants submitted by Mu Qing have also entered the planting and sales stage, and the current sales situation is very good! The president naturally wants to recruit someone like Mu Qing!

After Wan Xiangxiang and others returned to Qingxiang Farm, Kong Chen breathed a sigh of relief. With Wan Xiangxiang's spiritual patterns deployed, it would be difficult for outsiders to enter without special means. Even if they could get in, they would definitely create a lot of trouble. Things, the safety factor is much higher than that in Hengguang City.

After returning to his own territory and tidying up a bit, Wan Xiangxiang called Kong Chen over.

Wan Xiangxiang mainly wanted to find out what was wrong with Kong Chen. Since the enemy was unknown, the danger was likely to affect his own people.

"Take out all the belongings on your body and let me see." Even if Kong Chen had offended someone before, he was not so hateful that people wanted to kill him.

The attacker wants to kill him with one move, which means that the other party has a clear goal and knows where what he wants is!

Since it was something on the surface, it must still be on Kong Chen's body.

Kong Chen was a little stunned and asked: "All of them?"

"Of course it's all!" Wan Xiangxiang thought to himself: Why can't this child understand human speech?

Kong Chen was a little embarrassed and took out his storage utensils and started pouring things out.

That is, a pile of clutter and some clothing.

oh! There is also a space ring...

Wan Xiangxiang: "..."

Mu Qing looked at hundreds of pairs of colorful breasts of different colors mixed with several pairs of thongs! Suddenly, he looked like he had discovered a new world: "You actually like to wear thongs! Don't you think it's weird that the rope is stuck in your vagina?"

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