CH-1 Welcome to Spain

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The fresh air as I breathed it in and and I look around all the city lights and I am never been this much amazed by all the city lights , Spain is one hell of a beautiful country , Yes that right I am in Spain isn't it amazing one minute I am bein...

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The fresh air as I breathed it in and and I look around all the city lights and I am never been this much amazed by all the city lights , Spain is one hell of a beautiful country , Yes that right I am in Spain isn't it amazing one minute I am being at the other part of the country and the next I am being in other country. Just kidding but let's just say this is where Destiny took me and I get to see this beautiful country.

As I look at all the city lights with a little smile on my face I remember once Jimin told me that There is a whole world out there waiting for me great cities and art and music Genuine beauty and I can have it all and seems like he is making sure I look every corner of the world with him . I turn up at his door and here we are he is showing me the world .

I look down at my engagement ring and crasses it we are together , everything is good now , back to normal even somewhere or other I know things back at England are not good after what happened with me 24 hours ago and than Jimin make my mom kill Yoongi dad I know that Yoongi will surely not sit quietly now he will surely come back for us but I also know one thing that it doesn't matter not anymore whatever happened it happened and we can't change it because . In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change and allow a brighter future to unfold before us. Such an uncertain future may call for even
more uncertain allies. Either way, a new
day is coming whether we like it or not. The question is will you control it, or will it control you? .

So surely I am not going to think whatever happened with me 24 hours ago and just going to enjoy this beautiful city and not gonna think about something bad just about how I am going to enjoy every second and every minute of the day with my boyfriend.

Just thinking about him and at the same time only two hands wrapped around me waist from behind and my smile widen as he keep his chin on my shoulder I keep my hands on his hands which are wrapped around me .

Jimin- Shouldn't you be resting Baby girl?

His deep voice and his hot breath tickling my ears while he smell my and hairs and graze his nose on my cheek .

Suhani- I've been sleeping from more than eight hours .

Jimin- Hmm .

He kiss my neck and God I am easily melting in his touch. He very well knows my weak spot .

Jimin-If you don't take rest how will you heal faster than?

His voice is damn serious now and he even Stop me kissing me he make me turn around facing me as his thumb crasseing my lower lip .

Suhani- What are you looking at ?

Jimin- Just thinking from where do I start?

Suhani-Start what?

Jimin- Start claiming you , you've no idea how much I am craving for you .

I put my hands around his neck and bite my lower lip and I know what effect it's on him he grab my jaw .

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