CH-16 Park Heesoon

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Suhani-Yes we are married

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Suhani-Yes we are married.

As I break this news to her , she look at me and Jimin with shock in her eyes like she really didn't expected us to say this . I mean now that she sees the ring there's nothing to hide from her . We watched her as she keep her hands on her mouth is a pure horror oh she can be a little dramatic sometimes but right now the shock is written all over her face and there are so many questions she wanted to ask but nothing cam she just stares at our hand and than our faces forth and back , cannot believe what we said .

Jennie- You guys are hiding this why and from how long you both are married?

Suhani-Jennie listen to me first ok let me explain to you .

Jennie-You guys are married suhani it's not something small it's a big news and it's a happy news also but hiding it from everyone what's going on guys?

Jimin- Look we know that you are in shock and ofcourse now you wanted to tell everyone and ok fine we won't stop you but before doing something atleast hear us out .

Suhani-Yeah atleast hear us out Jennie .

She look at me and as I hold her hand she nooded for sure Jennie will understand us and listen to me calmly.

Jennie-Ok fine go ahead.

Suhani- Ok so it's just been two weeks since we are married . We got married in Spain....

As I told her everything about how we got married and how we decided to hide from everyone but we will tell everyone soon and she listen to us silently.

Suhani- It's me who doesn't want to tell anyone for a few time .

Jennie- You know that I am always here for you right? Whatever happened in those past days I know it must be very scary but you got me right and you know that.

Suhani-Yeah I know.

She hold mine and Jimin hands and look at both of us .

Jennie- Are you guys happy?

Jimin-Seems like that way only .

We smiled and she also nooded

Jennie- Dw your guys secret is safe with me and you come here give me a hug girl .

I hugged her tightly and we smiled .

Suhani-Thanks Jennie .

Jennie-Boo I am so happy for you , congratulations for finally getting married.

Suhani-Thanks , Jennie .

We Break apart and she look at jimin .

Jennie- I know you make her happy but now she is your wife so you better not think of hurting her .

Jimin-Is that a warning?

Jennie-Yes Park Jimin it is .

He just nooded and I chuckled looking at both of them .

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