CH-50 Team Jimin

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Suhani- Why didn't you get rid of her if she's is that clingy?

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Suhani- Why didn't you get rid of her if she's is that clingy?

He chuckled lightly making me look at him .

Jimin- She is the team fighter Baby , a killi nong spree and I don't want to lose one of the important member of team

Suhani- Whatever I hate her , she is trying to get in your pants .

Jimin- Senòrita your launguage baby.

Suhani-Oh to hell with my launguage Mr Park , I said what is truth and its fine if you don't understand now soon you will also understand she is Just trying to get in your pants.

Jimin-You really hate her huh?

Suhani-Why wouldn't I be , she had eyes on my husband I guess she just really doesn't know who I really am , I need to show her real place .

Jimin-Oh by all means Senòrita please I won't stop you besides seeing you in your savage Queen mode is an honour for me .

I rolled my eyes and suddenly the back of neck is grabbed by him and he turned my face to him who is sitting behind me and he look at me his eyes darken again.

Jimin-Do you again want to get fucked Baby?

Suhani- You know how badly I am sore right.

Jimin- Well you are indirectly asking for it love , by rolling those pretty eyes of yours.

Suhani- It won't happen again.

Jimin- Yeah its better not happen again otherwise I might fuck you in this bathtub now and you will again beg me to stop .

I again want to roll my eyes but surely I am not ready to get his big cock in me again , whole afternoon and whole evening he fucked me non stop in every room of the house , in kitchen, in living room , in home theatre and he didn't even left stairs of the home he fucked me there also , we fucked like animals and when he finally get me to bedroom he fucked my ass going atleast seven rounds and than he again fucked my pussy in the shower untill I am begging him to stop and I am at verge of passing out . Than only he let me sleep for an hour before I got up to get ready and again to take a shower now that we had to go to the get together party which Jihye maa organised for him and rose to return back home.

As I am ready to take shower but my husband insisted me to relax in bath tub and in warm water to gave me relief and my sore pussy which is throbbing with pain , he even joined me washing my hairs while I sat in warm water , he washed every part of my body in an adoring way as than later on he joined me we start talking about his time when he is away amd he eventually told me about seulgi who always trying to get close to him and talk to him but he just never give her any chance to get to him .

He finally let go of my neck and than soothing my hairs and I keep my head on his chest leaning against him while our hands are interwine and his other hand playing with my rings .

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