CH-66 Love won once again

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Standing in the living room we all are standing close to eachother there's no source of light in the room even when Arif tried to Turn on the lights they didn't get turned on , it's dark and cold in here cold like as its in the basement even tho I...

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Standing in the living room we all are standing close to eachother there's no source of light in the room even when Arif tried to Turn on the lights they didn't get turned on , it's dark and cold in here cold like as its in the basement even tho I am wearing my warm cold I am still shivering I don't know if its fear or if its really cold .

Jimin had his hand around my shoulder and keeping me close to him all the time and I found myself little calm beside him , same goes with Hawasa who is close to matthew while Arif and Mukhtar are looking around and standing like a rock fearless as ever even thos Jimin and matthew also doesn't seem to have any fear but Me and Hawasa we both are afraid every second and my heart which is beating rapidly with fear and my throat is dry even tho I gulp so many times it's dry .

Father morgan who is standing infront of us and he is chanting mantras with his eyes closed his hands are holding the same chain of cross sign we are wearing its so quite in here and so creepy that I felt eyes on me which makes me scoot closer to jimin chest and just want to hide myself as he look down at me and keep his hand on my head and my left side of face is pressed against his chest clutching onto his coat collar as tighty as ever .

Father morgan opened his eyes as he open his fist in which he is holding his chain and this is unbelievable he had little water in his palm as he sprinkle that water all around the room specially at main entrance and windows.

Morgan- You guys have to be quiet. I am now going to call that spirit in here .

Arif- And than get us all killed?

Morgan- It won't be getting near anyone of you because of those locket of god you are wearing it won't even lay a finger on you . I will just try to talk to her and ask her what she really wants.

That already sound scary as fuck and the chill ran down my spine talking with a spirit is that even possible well I saw in movies that's how it only started but this is real life and I don't think so in real life spirits even knows what calm conversation really means all they know is violence and talking about violence I remember how this lady spirit blasted my husband's one of the limited edition and favourite car into pieces.

Ofcourse I know it didn't even affect my husband but still it was his one of the best car he usually drive it more other than all the car's he had .

Jimin- Don't worry Love I'll get new one .

He speak to me in a low tone and I look up at him still not getting away from him .

Suhani- You are hearing my thoughts?

Jimin- Mhm I am also turning into a magician now.

He said winking at me and it bring a little smile on my face even in this situation he is trying to keep me calm and relax but soon that smile faded and my worried face is back , I know he can hear me very well and maybe its also because right now he is holding me so close to him that he this contact with me tells him what I am really thinking.

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