CH- 35 Its Not that easy

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Till time we are returned back to the party mostly every guest already had left because it was pretty late and now only ones are left just our families mostly our friends also left like hawasa and Jennie who are pregnant they were so tired so they...

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Till time we are returned back to the party mostly every guest already had left because it was pretty late and now only ones are left just our families mostly our friends also left like hawasa and Jennie who are pregnant they were so tired so they went home , Evelyn , Mark and Irene also left going home and now it's family members only 

Ana- So from when you are strat preparing for the wedding.

Jihye-Yes now that you guys had finally made a decision you should start preparing.

I look at both of them as they are the most excited about the wedding thing .

Ana-I even decided what theme we are going to have for your wedding.

Jihye- And the wedding gowns , food , drinks , cakes , invitation cards and other things I also prepared the list .

Ana- Right my dear we will accompany you for everything I didn't want to leave my girls side for even a minute in her wedding month .

Jihye-Ofcourse you shouldn't she is going to need us .

As they both keep talking and I just heard them and already knowing that it's not going to be as easy as I thought, they already started planning and here I am still thinking about other things like the work I had Tommrow in hospital and that Ayla project where I am gonna help her and how it's going to be so exhausting for me .

Kate-Come on guys you are boring our soon to be bride .

She said joining us and than she hand me a drink and I smile as she take a seat while Rose and Ayla also joined the area with there drinks and food on the platter.

Ayla-Just look at her she is getting pretty bored .

Jihye-But we are just talking about how to start the preparation.

Ana-Even I rhi k you should start from Tommrow only what do you say Jihye?

Rose-Isn't that too early?

Jihye- No I don't think so if start now than only we will be able to finish all the preparation in one month and surely I don't want my son wedding in a rush I want to enjoy everything as my one kid already get married in such a rush .

She said looking at Ayla who just focus on eating her dinner .

Kate- I agree but guys just take a deep breath and relax everything will be done .

Ana-Now we won't even going to get the time for taking breaths , I always wanted the grand and big wedding for my suhani it's always been my dream to see her walking down the asile and having that big fat royal wedding.

Ayla-Aunty ana have you asked your daughter that if she wants that big fat royal wedding?

My mother look at me and I glare at Ayla as she smile devilishly at me .

Ana-Don't you want that type of wedding suhani?

Suhani-Right now all I want is to get home as soon as possible and just get some sleep .

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