CH- 49 Worshipping the Goddess

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When we talked for hours and clear pur misunderstandings jimin grabs my hand and practically drags me into our shared bedroom, a man with a mission

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When we talked for hours and clear pur misunderstandings jimin grabs my hand and practically drags me into our shared bedroom, a man with a mission.

Now he stands before me, trailing his long fingers across my cheek and playing with my hair . I'm already lost and he barely touched me his fingers move down my chin, the column of my throat, my sternum, searing me with his touch, to the first button of my blue blouse.

Jimin- I want to see you , show me that after all this time you sre still mine.

He breathes and slowly undoes the button. Bending, he plants a soft kiss on my parted lips. I am panting and eager already aroused because of the way he is touching me and looking at me the combination of his captivating beauty, his raw sexuality He stands back.

Jimin- Strip for me.

He whispers, eyes burning. Oh my. I'm only too happy to comply. Not taking my eyes off his, I slowly undo each button, savoring his intense and intimidating gaze I can see his desire , it's evident on his face he waited flr this exact moment and so does me , we both gone too long without eachother and now ee are together we aren't letting it go . I let my shirt fall to the floor and reach for the button on my jeans.

Jimin- Stop , Sit.

He orders I sit down on the edge of the bed, and in blink of an eye he's on his knees in front of me. He picks up my left foot and raising it, plants a soft kiss on the pad of my big toe, then grazes his teeth against it.

Suhani- Ah!

I moan as I feel the effect in my groin. He stands in one smooth move, holds his hand out to me, and pulls me up off the bed.

Jimin- Continue love .

He says and stands back to watch me. I ease the zipper of my jeans down and hook my thumbs in the waistband as I sassily then slide the denim down my legs. A soft smile plays on his lips, but his eyes remain dark. And I don't know if it's because we are finally together or its because he got some plans for me.

I am wearing my underwear - a white lacy thong and matching bra. I step out of my jeans and stand there for him in the lingerie as his eyes roam down slowly at every inch of my body holding the sight in his eyes , like he is seeing me for the first time that ge couldn't take off his eyes from me , his gaze adores me in a way which I craved for , the stares which I missed so much and he hold me on my place whith his dark icy blue eyes intense filled with so much intensity in them , so many emotions, dark desires , lust , unsaid promises last but mot least hos love for me which never gets less it only grows deeper and deeper amd I swear in this moment I feel complete , I feel his.

Reaching behind I unhook my bra, sliding the straps down my arms, and drop it on top of my blouse. Slowly, I slip my panties off, letting them fall to my ankles, and step out of them,
Standing before him, I am naked and unashamed, and I know it's because he loves me.He says nothing, just gazes at me. All I see the depth of his love for me.

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