CH-4 Wedding Rings

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Jimin's hands explored my body, gently touching my face before trailing down and clamping onto my breasts and squeezing

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Jimin's hands explored my body, gently touching my face before trailing down and clamping onto my breasts and squeezing. His head followed his hands, as he pinched my nipple between his teeth and sucked.

A strange feeling overcame me-a kind of pure ecstasy that I'd never felt before. Jimin- didn't rush it. He took his time, savoring the different areas of my body. His lips flew from one nipple to the other, only to venture back to my face, kissing me passionately on the mouth.

I could feel his cock swelling slowly as it rubbed against me with each motion of his body. A while later I started growing impatient. Horny and starved of his attentions, I took over the initiative. I wanted to have him. Right now. I lifted myself a fraction, but the Man in Black predicted my movement and pinned my shoulders to the bed.

Suhani- Come to me

I whispered, squirming beneath him. I felt, rather than saw, his triumphant smirk. He knew how much I wanted him.

Jimin- I'm only just beginning babygirl.

Jimin's lips trailed slowly down my skin, starting with the neck, passing my breasts and my tummy to finally end up where they should have been from the very beginning. He kissed and licked me through the thin lace of my thong, teasing my throbbing clit, before slowly pulling the underwear down my legs and tossing it aside. I spread my legs, knowing what was coming. My hips started to undulate in the silk sheets, delicately and steadily.

I felt his breath between my legs, and a wave of lust crashed over me. Jimin slowly slid his tongue inside me and moaned.

Jimin- You're so wet Senòrita , I don't know is this the excitement of weeding night or you are just being Little needy slut again .

He breathed I replied, with pressing his head against my wet clit.

Suhani- Make me come daddy .

My seduced tone brought out the animal in him. He clasped his hands on my thighs and pulled me rapidly down the bed, pushing a pillow under my back and kneeling on the cover he had thrown off the bed earlier. My breathing quickened. I knew whatever he was about to do, he wouldn't take much time doing it.

He slid two fingers inside me while his thumb trailed soft circles around my clitoris. My muscles tensed, and I let out a loud moan. That's when he turned his palm around and his thumb gave way to his tongue.

Jimin- Help me out a bit babygirl.

I knew what he was asking for. With one hand I spread my pussy, giving him better access to the most sensitive spots. As his tongue started to rhythmically flick against my clit, I knew I wasn't going to last long. His fingers picked up the pace inside me, and their pressure became harder. I couldn't keep the orgasm at bay anymore. It had been looming over me like a great cloud since Jimin had touched me.

I came with a long, piercing scream, before collapsing on the pillow.

Jimin- I'll have another go.

He whispered, keeping his lips clamped around my clit.

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