CH- 6 Just Universe Things

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After having a lunch than we went to watch the soccer game at stadium and ofcourse I have to say I never enjoyed any game honestly I was never intrested in sports but my husband is like it's his favourite thing whenever he gets free time he either...

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After having a lunch than we went to watch the soccer game at stadium and ofcourse I have to say I never enjoyed any game honestly I was never intrested in sports but my husband is like it's his favourite thing whenever he gets free time he either watch sports or he either play it with his friends but today soccer changed my mind i really enjoyed that game so much and Jimin is always telling me about things he gave me detail information of everything.

All the evening we were touring around the city we went to the adventure land where we did so many amazing things those rides and the shops I even did some shopping Jimin brought me so many things while for himself also he brought the famous expensive royal wines of Spain Teso La Monja , Dominio de Pingus adding these two in his alcohol collection I look behind myself and Ofcourse arif and mukhtar walking with all those shopping bags .

I look at jimin who is doing something in his phone as I hold his arms and looking around the city and walking silently .

Suhani- Jimin?

Jimin-Yes Love .

Suhani- Lets go there .


He said looking up from his phone and look at the place where I am pointing.

Suhani-Can we go there?

He look at me and nooded .

Jimin-Yeah Sure Arif and Mukhtar will take you  .

Ofcourse he won't go the the church and I look at him .

Suhani-But I wanna go there with you .

Jimin- You know I don't like to go these places just Take Arif and mukhtar.

Suhani-No way you are coming with me that's it and that's final .

Jimin-But Senòrita list-

And I am dragging him towards the church ofcourse he keep telling me that he doesn't want to go but I drag him .

Suhani-We should seek blessings we just got married.

With that we are walking inside the church and Jimin finally stopped talking

With that we are walking inside the church and Jimin finally stopped talking

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