CH-62 Hearts of horror

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Suhani- mhm its hur- hurting baby

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Suhani- mhm its hur- hurting baby .

Jimin- Hmm .

Suhani-Ouch slow down ....

I hissed from pain while jimin is holding me against the shower wall with his cock buried deep inside me and he is playing with my breasts biting it and sucking them well after amazing dance performances and fun we both ran out of function while everyone is still outside but we escape its actually great that we escaped we both were having hard time all that dancing really just gets us and sexual tension between us just keep rising and we need to stop it so we just directly came in iur bedroom and walked in bathroom in the shower .

Suhani- Ok jimin its enough co- ouch .

He bite down on my right nipple and than look at me .

Jimin-You are saying no to me .

Suhani- Its hurting me baby .

Jimin- I'll be slower now .

I hissed again as his mouth again clamped around my breast and I let him have me he didn't let me go untill he done savouring me as he thrust in me few more times before jerking his seeds inside of me he finally took himself out and I calm down my breaths before we cleaned ourself one more time and get in our morning outfits before leaving the bathroom

I hissed again as his mouth again clamped around my breast and I let him have me he didn't let me go untill he done savouring me as he thrust in me few more times before jerking his seeds inside of me he finally took himself out and I calm down my...

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We came in bedroom while I look at him who walked out behind me from bathroom we both are all ready now .

Jimin-Mrs Park you are an amazing dancer .

Suhani-Not more than you .

Jimin- Oh you have no idea that how well you fit with each and every step of mine like you are just meant to stay in my arms while I dance .

And with that he pulled me closer by my waist and I smile keeping my hands on his chest he kiss my head .

Suhani- I was only born to stay in your arms .

Jimin- I love you .

Suhani-I love you more besides everyone just make our day isn't it?

Jimin- Yeah but I just have my eyes on you all the time .

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