CH-47 Mad Love

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Till time we reach home its actually late we also got stuck in traffic but as soon as we are here I ran inside not caring about anything I just want to see him as I ran inside I halt on my steps and found Jungkook , Jay , Syria while Arif and Mukh...

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Till time we reach home its actually late we also got stuck in traffic but as soon as we are here I ran inside not caring about anything I just want to see him as I ran inside I halt on my steps and found Jungkook , Jay , Syria while Arif and Mukhtar stand in drawing room all silent.

Suhani- Wh- What happened? Where's Jim-

Jungkook-He is here .

I walked further and found him laying on couch and his eyes are closed and I walked around the couch kneeling down on floor .

Suhani-Wha- What happ- happened to him?

Jay-You got late ...

Suhani-What do you mean?

Syria-Sorry we coul-couldn't save him.

Suhani-What the ....What are you no Jimin ...

I look at him and he is lying lifeless on couch I shake him but he didn't wake up.

Suhani-No No No jim- Jimin look I a- am here wak- wake up ba- baby .

Syria- He is sick from one week no one knew about him he locked himself in home .

Suhani- No you must have did some mistake he is no- no jimin open your eyes look at me baby talk to me Please no look at me ....

I hold his face in my hands and he is as cold as ice my tears started slipping and I sobbed hardly screaming for him to wake up but he never did ....


I cam feel her tears falling on my face while she cried me her painful screams and cries our enough to break my heart but I need to do this , she didn't left me any options, I need to get her to talk to me and I had to put on this show so that she can get here and she did I gathered jungkook and Jay also in my plan its actually hard I had my own long conversations with both of them and after telling them the truth they finally agreed to help me ....

And Jungkook than told me that suhani thinks I cheated on her with teresa and that night on Rome Teresa also showed her some photos where she believed that I cheated on her when in reality in that one and a half year I never let any women near me no women even layed a finger on me I didn't let anyone do it nor do I give that power to anyone other than my own wife .

When I know the truth I realised why things got more hard and thats why she is staying at jungkook and Ayla's place for all this week this morning I also got divorce papers and before I know that everything is going out of hands now so I did this fake show of dying this is the only way to get her to me and clear her all misunderstandings . I make jungkook call her and tell him to call her here .

Suhani- Jimin please no you can't leave me baby please you tell me you won't leave me ever again please no .

I hear sorrowful sobs I hold my breath for long and holding it in a slow way can't let her know that this is just a show .

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