CH-64 Lady Culprit

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Jihye- No worries we won't stop you from going to work you can go we'll wait for you untill you are back than we will all do the dinner together

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Jihye- No worries we won't stop you from going to work you can go we'll wait for you untill you are back than we will all do the dinner together.

Oh god no! Shit how could I forgot that our family is a real pain in ass and they will not understand easily fuck its hard to make up there minds to make them leave.

Jimin-Who said I am returning?

Jonghyun-What you won't return back?

Jimin- I don't think so I will be able to return tonight maybe till next morning.

Ana- Ok so there's no matter in staying here when he is leaving now.

Jihye-Right if groom will only leave than what's the matter of staying here.

Ayla- Let the groom go we still got our bride , we'll have fun with our bride what do you guys say .

She said smiling as she suggest her idea as everyone also smiled .

Jimin-And who said I am leaving my bride here ?

Rose-What do you mean?

Jimin- Simple I am taking my wife with me I won't leave her here all alone that too for a night.

Elliot-Is everything ok ? Is there any problem?

He said looking at us suspiciously.

Jimin- Yes .

I look at him what is wrong with this men did he just said yes .

Jimin- Yes there's a problem I can't leave Senòrita alone you know I had enemies everywhere and mostly everyone around the world knows that we are getting married and my enemies are sitting for one chance to ruin any shred of happiness I have , so they will not leave any chance to play there game against me and I am not going to give them any chance that's why I am taking her with me .

Woah! This men is very good in making excuses that I almost got an heart attack.

Matthew- Jimin is actually right he shouldn't leave suhani alone if he is going.

Ana-But will you take her to your work place?

Jimin- Yes .

Jihye-And she will stay here all night?

Jimin-Yes .

Jihye-She is a bride jimin it's not good for her to stay out of home , there's so many bad negativity or evil eye which can get to her and than it will be not good for her health.

Oh maa if only you know the biggest negative energy is residing in this house already planning to kill me god knows for what and why? It's not like I steak something from it .

Jimin- I had very great facilities at my office she can take rest there while I work .

Ayla-Why don't you get her to home than?

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