CH-39 Naked Reality

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Sitting at the bar area while sipping on my favourite whiskey is the best feeling in the world , I am watching the couple dance and enjoying my sip of whiskey well this isn't the first time I do this but ofcourse I always end up hating these parti...

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Sitting at the bar area while sipping on my favourite whiskey is the best feeling in the world , I am watching the couple dance and enjoying my sip of whiskey well this isn't the first time I do this but ofcourse I always end up hating these parties ofcourse it's a wedding anniversary of my mother and father in law . I chuckled a wedding anniversary what a rubbish thing to do and waste the money on like if you want to waste your money on something than it supposed to be wasted on this bitter yet sweet wishkey and it will fucking give you a calmness.

Suhani- One more glass .

I said to the bartender and look at all the guests on dance floor some are dancing, some are gossiping, some are talking, some are taking selfies while some are lost in there own world only . What a boring party.... I sighed and take my glass back which is already refilled and I sipped on my drink again .

Ana- Aren't you already drunk now?

I look at her as she walked infront of me taking a seat infront of me .

Suhani- Goddess mother hello to you too what would you like to Take we got Rum , wine , wishkey , vodaka, beer, scotch, and so much more .

Ana- Stop drinking Suhani just look at yourself.

Suhani-Oh I am beautiful so hot too .

I chuckled and gulped down the whole glass in one go and signalled bartender to refill it .

Suhani- I thought you won't come but look you are here mother .

Ana- I came for you .

Suhani-Oh please we both know you are not here for me let's just say it straightly you are here to get to know about my husband , to ask me where he is and as always being a good wife I will say he is on buisness trip.

Ana- For one a half year .

Suhani-Yup .

Ana- I don't believe it .

Suhani- Me too .

I said chuckling as I pick my glass again taking a sip while I feel her stares at me .

Ana- You are hiding so much from one and a half year suhani why?

Suhani-Am I mother? I don't know I am just doing my duty by the way where's your so called husband? Oh wait I forgot you guys were divorced right he must be fucking some other women .

I said laughing and she sighed looking at me I stopped smiling and put my glass down .

Suhani- Don't expect me to answer you leave me on my behalf.

Ana- Oh I had done that years ago dear leaving you on your behalf only . The day you decided to fuck that bastard husband of yours who now finally ran away because he is bored of you .

Suhani- Hmm guess what it's been a good sex mom I didn't regret it anyway enjoy the drinks they are so cool .

I stood up from my stool and stumbled a little bit handle myself I feel tipsy I just walked towards the party area where games are going on now .

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