CH-45 Can we ever will be ok again?

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We are in air from last few hours and in Jimin's private jet I didn't even wanted to fly back with this men , I am ready to take another flight but he forcefully pick me on his shoulder on airport infront of everyone and get me in his jet and he l...

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We are in air from last few hours and in Jimin's private jet I didn't even wanted to fly back with this men , I am ready to take another flight but he forcefully pick me on his shoulder on airport infront of everyone and get me in his jet and he locked me in this room . I don't know how much I cried in last few hours and even dodged in a sleep also while crying only .

I just woke up few minutes ago only and Leaning against the wall of jet I am looking out at sky and cloud we are moving home , we are going back home but its not same this time I am not returning home but to the place which once I thought is my home but now its just a place where I spend my last one and a half year crying and go through so much pain all alone but that pain is nothing infront of what I feel right now.

This time I am slowly very slowly breaking down with passing second it feels like I am finally going in the big whole of darkness from where I am not be able to return, this pain is so much more and I can't take it anymore. I wanted to escape this life, I wanted to go far away more like I wanted to die thats what I feel like since I found out about the truth .

I pick my phone which is kept infront of me with my shaking hands and I wipe my tears I dialled the only person number who I knew will understand me at this moment and it's no other than Jungkook. I waited for him to pick my call and in three times he did .

Jungkook- Finally you got time to call me huh?
(As I heard his voice sob left my mouth and I cover my mouth from crying out loudly)
Jungkook-Suhani what happened? Are you alright? Answer me Suhani tell me are you ok?
Suhani- Jungkook I am ...fine .
Jungkook- You are crying what happened is everything alright there?
Suhani- Yeah we are returning back home can you come to airport to pick me up .
Jungkook- Yeah I can but what happened?
Suhani- I don't want to stay with him.... please just come and pick me up I will tell you when we met .
Jungkook- Sure suhani I will be there but please stop crying please don't cry I am gonna be there for you .
Suhani-Yeah thank you see you later .
Jungkook- Yeah.

I hunged up the call and I cover my mouth crying in silence Hiding my face in my knees .

Suhani- Why did you do this with me? Didn't I gave you my love? Why?

I question myself while I never stopped crying its the only way I feel much lighter when I cried the only way I can tell my heart that somewhere or other it's ny fault only as Time passed and in no time we are finally at airport all the way Jimin and Me we both didn't had any interaction its not like he tried to more like he is busy in his work whatever he is doing with his team .

I question myself while I never stopped crying its the only way I feel much lighter when I cried the only way I can tell my heart that somewhere or other it's ny fault only as Time passed and in no time we are finally at airport all the way Jimin ...

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