CH-17 Bucket list

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Ana-Well the next one is in line is my sweet daughter Ella and I can't wait to see her in that bridal dress

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Ana-Well the next one is in line is my sweet daughter Ella and I can't wait to see her in that bridal dress.

Hawasa-Right aunty even we are also waiting for the wedding of Ella and Taehyung.

After the wedding is done the reception started and we are standing talking while my mother also who joined us girls and talking I still remember the encounter between us happened yesterday but ofcourse she is also here joining the park's and being happy I also decided to not talk about her with all those things .

Ana-I don't know when will I see my suhani walking down that asile .

She said looking at me as I sip on my drink and that's when Jennie put his hand around my shoulder.

Jennie-Let her enjoy her engagement era aunty Jimin and Her are happy this way .

I look at her and she winked at me I smile .

Rose- Just like you mom and dad is also worry about them .

Suhani- There's nothing to worry about when the right time will come it will be infront of you guys .

Hawasa-Right till they get married, the married ones will be having kids and God knows they are taking this much time in wedding when they will have kids .

Jimin-For sure not for something more ten years .

We all turn around and watched him coming towards us and he stand beside me .

Ana-What ? Ten years ?

Jimin- Just kidding Mother in law I make sure before you die you plat with your grand child .

They all smile and Jimin look at me as his hand slipped around my waist .

Jimin- Now if you guys don't mind I would like to take my fiance with me it's been hours since I get her .

Jennie-By all means please sir you can take your property back .

He nooded and we walked away from there and I look at him who is actually enjoying the wedding. I couldn't help but hug him from sideways .

Jimin- Mrs Park being all clinge huh?

Suhani-Oh just shut up .

He laughed as he kissed my head and we sat around the round table while he hold my hand .

Jimin- Did you eat something?

Suhani- No and I am hungry .

Jimin-I knew it that's why food is on the way .

Suhani-Where's the bride and groom ?

Jimin-On dance stage with other family members.

Suhani- Gladly everything just went perfectly. Finally they are married. They really remind me of us when we get married.

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