CH-46 Falling Apart like a leave

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I watched them as they are almost near completing the whole puzzle its been hours since we are making puzzle together and honestly I starting to feel pretty bored but Jimin and Gracy they are as energetic as ever soon Gracy also start yawning whil...

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I watched them as they are almost near completing the whole puzzle its been hours since we are making puzzle together and honestly I starting to feel pretty bored but Jimin and Gracy they are as energetic as ever soon Gracy also start yawning while she leaned her small head against jimin's stomach while sitting betweenhis legs only .

Suhani- She is sleepy its her time to rest.

Jimin look down at her and he softly crasses her head and her hairs he can't seem to take his eyes off her .

Jimin- She is just a little ayla , when ayla was little she used to look like this only its like I am watching my little ayla all over again .

Suhani- And she already seems to like her favourite uncle .

He look at me and I look at him back

Jimin- Does her mimi likes her favourite uncle ?

Suhani-No she didn't!

I pick the puzzle and keep it in box while I need to put gracy at her bed .

Suhani- Give her to me I'll put her to bed .

Jimin- Tell me I will put her .

Without any further delay he pick her in his arms and started walking while I walked at front showing him the room of Gracy.

Without any further delay he pick her in his arms and started walking while I walked at front showing him the room of Gracy

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I opened the door and he walked inside looking around the room.

Jimin- So this is how Little child rooms looks like not bad .

Suhani-Put her in the bed .


Suhani-Yup .

I walked towards him and get gracy at her bed while I crasses her head patting it slowly.

Suhani-Pass me that white blanket.

Jimin- Senòrita here are so many white blanket which one I should pass?

Suhani- The soft fur one jimin .

Jimin- Oh ok .

He passed me the blanket and I put it over Gracy.

Suhani- Get her milk bottle.

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