CH-60 Dark Energy

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Yeri- Oh jimin surely would've won but suhani tricked him

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Yeri- Oh jimin surely would've won but suhani tricked him .

She said out loudly taking everyone's attention and everyone look at her with confusion and with questions rising in everyone's head .

Kate-What do you mean?

Syria-Oh its simple suhani put an act she showed jimin she fall and hurt her ankle and Jimin get worried for her and come back to see her but she pushed him and ran away .

Ana-Suhani dear you cheated ?

I look at my mother even I don't know what to say I cheated in the game I look down .

Jihye-Suhani these are wedding rituals you can't win by cheat-

Jimin- Senòrita didn't cheat ....

He said out loudly his voice is cold and stern while he gave his cold stares to yeri and than at our mother he walked towards me and pulled me to stand on my feet while I limp with my left leg but jimin hold me and make me sat down on couch .

Ayla-Oh god suhani your leg its bruised.

She gasped taking everyone's attention as Jimin kneel infront of me taking my ankle in his hand and keeping it on his knees while he softly run his thumb on bruised and sore area making me close my eyes.

Jimin- Eden will you being first aid .

Eden-Yes brother.

Jimin stood up keeping my leg down and he patted my head before turning to everyone in the room .

Jimin- Before anyone of you thinks that suhani cheated in game than she didn't, she didn't put on any act of falling or getting hurt its infront of you all .

Jimin look at yeri dangerously.

Jimin- Next time if you accuse my wife for something like this , I will forget that you are family friend.

Yeri-I am sorry jimin I just thought that um I am sorry.

Jimin- You better be Yeri but not to me apologize to ny wife.

Yeri- Sorry Suhani forgive me .

I nooded at her and than look at jimin .

Jihye-But how this happened?

Jimin- We were running and suhai tripped in real she is wearing heels so her ankle got twisted she didn't even called me but a game is on its place and when I saw her in pain ofcourse I would never leave her like that , we sat there for few seconds before suhani again stood up with confidence and with injured leg she continues to play and also defeated me .

Ana- Oh my god Suhani I am sorry dear I didn't know about this .

She said sitting beside me and hugging me while I look at jimin who is looking at me only .

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