CH-36 Who's gonna love you like me ?

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Laying over my husband chest while he is stroking my back and we both are watching a movie silently we did our dinner while watching a movie only and it's been pretty relaxing

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Laying over my husband chest while he is stroking my back and we both are watching a movie silently we did our dinner while watching a movie only and it's been pretty relaxing. But my mind keep wandering on things I want to discuss with him which also are thinks are the cause of me not getting any sleep in night things which keeps me awake yesterday all night even tho I am exhausted that time I didn't understand it but now I do .

Suhani- Baby ....

Jimin-Hmm ....

Suhani- Have you think about how are we going to manage things from here.

Jimin- What things love?

I moved my stares at his face as he still had his focus on movie I keep my chin on his chest .

Suhani- Mother called me today?

Jimin-Mrs Ana?

Suhani-Hmm .

Jimin- What did she said?

He still didn't look at me and I take a deep breath.

Suhani-She asked me about our wedding when we are planning to do it .

Jimin-What did you said?

Suhani- Nothing she lectured me about how Shouldn't I delay more and More .

He finally focus on my looking at me and I shrug giving him a tight smile as he put my hair strand behind my ear .

Jimin- Is that why you are stressed about? That last night you couldn't sleep .

I take a deep breath and look back at movie while I still feel his gaze on me waiting for me to answer .

Suhani- Hmn little bit .

Jimin-Oh No Senòrita not just little bit but this is the main reason of your stress . Look at me baby .

I didn't and he Surely grasp my chin making me looking at him .

Jimin-There's nothing to stress about baby .

Suhani- Easy for you to say Jimin not for me no one says anything to you because they are afraid of you because they know if they do you will surely doesn't care but I have to listen to everyone Jimin they know if they bug me about something I will surely tell you about it .

Jimin-Than just don't listen to them it's easy .

Suhani-No it's not being a daughter in law I have to listen to everyone Jimin elder's, olders everyone I just can't unlisten to them like you do .

Jimin-Being anyone's daughter in law first you are my wife and when I say you don't have to stress about these things than you really don't have to and now it's about wedding than whenever you are ready I am fine with it .

I close my eyes for a brief surely he also will leave on than when I am good I open my eyes again .

Suhani- It's our decision you have to help me out but not telling me otherwise.

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