CH-53 Wedding Bells

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Suhani-Oh he was like that I thought jimin is unmarried and I bring my daughter so they could spend sometime together

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Suhani-Oh he was like that I thought jimin is unmarried and I bring my daughter so they could spend sometime together.

Jimin- Didn't you said anything to him than?

Suhani- Well dad told him that we love eachother and already married.

Jimin- I didn't met her father for long but I am sure in near future than I will answer his all unanswered question in a my way .

I look at him who wear the sweatpants and dry his hair after coming back home we both changed ourselves in comfortable clothes amd I am telling him about the yeri and her dad and I am continuously telling him we both are gossiping while I am removing my makeup and Doing my night routine as after he is done he walked out of bathroom and I also remove my makeup and accessories keeping all of them safely and Moving out in the bedroom

I look at him who wear the sweatpants and dry his hair after coming back home we both changed ourselves in comfortable clothes amd I am telling him about the yeri and her dad and I am continuously telling him we both are gossiping while I am remov...

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I found him sitting on his side of bed while leaning against a headboard and scrolling through his phone. I drink a glass of water before getting in bed beside him .

Suhani-Great I can't feel my feets now .

Jimin- We did the party whole night its already getting 5 of the morning in few minutes.

Suhani- Surely I am not getting up early than tomorrow.

I layed down beside him while he leaned down kissing my forhead and than my lips

Jimin- Take rest ...

Suhani-You also ...

Jimin-In few minutes love .

I nooded and closed my eyes and I didn't even realised when I just fall in a deep slumber of sleep and not even realising when jimin slept I am just too tired....



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