CH-54 Just Husband Wife Things

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Suhani- Thank God You are back...

I hear her mumbling in my neck while I hol her in my arms and I snuggled in her hairs smelling her scent which I crave I kiss her hairs I feel home now ....

Jimin- I missed you too senorita.

I look at everyone who is looking at us and beside me ayla is also hugging jungkook they both are sharing there moments as I sooth my wife's hair

Jimin- Look at me love...

I didn't heard any answer nor do I feel any movement as I tried to look at her but eventually I almost let her fall on floor because when I look at her she is already unconscious an I hold her on time .

Jimin- Senorita open your eyes ... Suhani ... Fuck .

I lightly slap her cheek but no response I ben down and pick her in bridal style .

Jihye- Oh god.

I hear gasping from everyone but I didn't waste any second and moved towards the couch .

Jimin- Mukhtar call the doctor.

Rose- Brother here lay her down here .

She make a space on the couch and I put her on couch I look at her she looks exhausted as I hold her hand in mine I just come back and This is how I saw my wife and her condition is not good .

Ayla- Oh god let her be ok .

Ana- I swear this girl never take cares of herself.

Evelyn- Come On mom we all knew she is stressed about the weding .

Jennie- I will bring water for her .

I never took my eyes off her as I crasses her cheek with the back of hand and I hate it looking at her in this condition . I am kneeling on the floor while holing her hand .

Jimin- You love worrying me right baby?

Jungkook- She is going to be okay.

Jimin- Where's the doctor?

Arif- Sahib doctor is on its way .

I stood up and look at everyone an just by looking at all of them I feel raged specially both of our mothers I am sure they both are the biggest reason of her this condition .

Jimin- What's the hell you guys are doing while I am gone .

Jihye- Jimin We idn't do anything even we had no idea that Suhani is feeling sick .

Jimin- Ofcourse how would you guys know when you are busy taunting her and You Mrs Linton what the hell you were doing ? You are the one who is staying with her the whole week right and you told me you will look after her than what happen now?

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