CH-68 The End

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Teresa- Her move backfired on her only and now she is dead

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Teresa- Her move backfired on her only and now she is dead . What do we do now? We are losing every fucking time .

She said yelling and throwing away the things around the room as she hold her hairs in frustration while she screamed in annoyance and than her tears started slipping down her cheek while she break down in tears and falling to her knees as she cried.

The other people in the room is silent and looking at her while she cried sobbing.

Teresa- First that family snatched away everything from me , I have to go away from my own family and leave the country where I was born , than he took away my own child from me , than when everytime I decided to do ruin them or plan something every fucking time they get out of that mess and I am fucking tired of playing this game now ...I am tired just too tired ....

She said while crying as yoongi in the room standing away from her can't see her like that so he walked towards her and make her stood up and sating her down on couch .

Yoongi- Hold yourself teresa control your emotions.

Teresa- How yoongi that Park Jimin wins every fucking time and we lost everytime? How's that possible where the villain is winning everytime and heroes are losing this isn't a fair ?

Yoongi- Calm down stop crying we will make him lose .

Teresa- How Yoongi? Every fucking time we think this time we will be successful in ruining Park Jimin's life everytime he proved us wrong , I tried to take away his precious thing so many times but everytime he is there save her why he is winning and we are losing? He deserves the punishment for what he did with me and my child yoongi . That whole family did whole Park Family .

She said wipping her tears and there's anger clearly shown in her eyes.

Teresa-I won't let him win this time , I promise I won't let them win . We'll finish that whole family for ruining my life.

She look at the girl sitting in the corner of the room with her knees against her chest and thT girl is looking at nowhere her eyes are red from all the crying as teresa walked towards that girl and pull her into a hug .

Teresa- Its okay you don't have to cry now my little one don't forget your elder sister is still alive , Yeri look at me my dear please don't be like this please don't cry I promise you that we will take revenge from them for killing our elder sister.

Yeri- Noo Leave Me get away from me .

Yeri ? What she is doing with teresa and why teresa is calling her sister ? What was the relationship they had ? Teresa was being pushed away by yeri who's tears are slipping continuously.

Yeri- You are a selfish one , you are always been the selfish one in three of us , you always think about yourself only years ago also you left us sis without even any information and now here you are suddenly showing me a your fake sympathy.

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