CH-65 Its all about believing in god

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I chuckled getting back to my seat settling on it while his eyes never leave mine and my eyes fall on the road and I widen my eyes

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I chuckled getting back to my seat settling on it while his eyes never leave mine and my eyes fall on the road and I widen my eyes.


I yelled as jimin also look at the road and we found the exact same body figure which we saw earlier in our bathroom but before jimin can pull on the breaks its too late we are so near to that spirit that we almost hit in it and jimin got late in pulling off the breaks as he stopped the car jerking both of us at Front because of how strong he pulled over the breaks but gladly we had our seatbelts around us to keep us safe from getting injured .

Jimin stopped the car as the tyres are making a screech sound when the car came to stop and we look at eachother I was breathing heavily as I look behind and so does jimin .

Jimin- Where did it go?

Suhani- I don't know. It vanished .

He look at me as he unbuckle his seatbelt and I did mine he pulled me in his embrace as I was out of breathing and shivering because odf what just happened he crasses my back calming me down .

Jimin- Its okay we are safe .

Even he is also Little out of breath he make me look at him and cupped my face and looking around for any type of injury.

Jimin-You okay? You didn't get hurt right?

Suhani- I am fine and you are you ok?

Jimin-I am ok we both are okay .

He kissed my forhead and I again look behind and at front.

Suhani- Before we can hit it , it vanished.

Jimin- Its following us , it knows that we are out .

Suhani- And it will stop us at any cost and try to not let us reach the church and to father morgan it knows that if we went there father Morgan will help us .

Jimin- Its not happening wear your seatbelt we are moving.

I did as jimin again started the car and drove in full speed he had bring his Audi car which usually got such a great speed and he drove like a pro he is , his eyes never leave road while he is holding my hand tighty in his while he is driving and he holds it in his untill we are finally at the church . All the way to hear I am so afraid that this spirit will again do something to stop us.

But it didn't happen jimin look at me and nooded at me .

Jimin-Lets go inside we'll get father morgan and than we'll leave .

I nooded as we get out of car and looking around we both walked inside church and I feel little relax that atleast evil got no entry in the house of god .

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