CH-10 Long Live Husband

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After performing two surgeries back to back I finally walked out of OT and took off my coat

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After performing two surgeries back to back I finally walked out of OT and took off my coat

Suhani- Shift the patient in ICU room for 24hrs .

Syria-Will do that Miss Linton and your evening appointments I already send you the details of those patients.

Suhani- What about Jay ?

Syria- Mr Jay is here but Dr Jarvis couldn't make it because he is busy in some work but he will surely come tomorrow.

I was walking towards my office as she is telling me things but right now I am really drained out , and I really want a little rest now .

Syria-You looked stress shall I bring you a cup of coffee?

I opened the door of my office and walked inside while she followed me

I opened the door of my office and walked inside while she followed me

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Suhani- No I don't want anything.

As I walked inside I found My husband sitting on the boss chair while sipping on the coffe as he look at me and I really am surprised to see him here , first he is ignoring me and now he is here .

Syria-Oh I forgot to tell you That Mr Park is been waiting for you from last one hour .

Suhani- Tells me the cup of coffee on the table .

I looked at four empty cup of coffee placed on desk as Syria picked them up and bowed to us leaving the room .

Jimin- The coffees great.

Suhani- You are here for the coffee.

Jimin- Mhm hmm .

He again sipped while I just take a deep breath and throw my cost on couch I take a seat on couch .

Suhani- Why are you ignoring me?

Jimin- Am I love? I don't think so .

Suhani-You ignored my calls and messages.

Jimin- If I would have ignored your calls and messages than I wouldn't be here sitting and waiting for you .

Suhani- What you are doing here? I thought you got alot of work .

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