CH-9 Royal Rituals

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Jimin- But you won't be doing any kind of fasting Senòrita

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Jimin- But you won't be doing any kind of fasting Senòrita.

Suhani- But it's rituals of royal families Jimin .

Jimin- I don't care whatever it is , all I know that I am not letting you do it .

I watched him as I finally get ready for to leave for work as he is wearing in his short coat and buttoning his sleeves so we are discussing about this ritual which is done in royal families every year there is this ritual where all the women's of the house do fasting for there husband's or fiance for there long lives and here I am convincing him to let me do it but ofcourse he is not agreeing.

Suhani- I want to do this for you .

He finally look at me and walked towards me standing infront of me .

Jimin-Didn't you heard me Love? That I don't want you do any kind of rituals and specially not this fasting.

Suhani- You are my husband and I want to pray for your long and happy life .

Jimin- I don't believe in all these things and you know it so it will be better if we just don't argue now .

Suhani-And I am also not asking you I am telling you that I am doing it and tonight I will be at park mansion everyone is going to be there tonight.

He take a deep breath and closed the distance between us .

Jimin- You are going to this shitty fasting where you can't eat anything all day and not even have water drop and you think I am going to be ok with this are you out of your mind ?

Suhani- Doesn't matter it's my first time after marriage and I am doing it Jimin either you like it or not .

Jimin- You and Your stubborn ass right? I don't like when you doesn't finish your whole meal and you want me to be ok with this whatever ritual it is huh?

I look at him and I know he is right that I don't very well when I don't eat and this ritual it's a fast for whole day without drinking a water also and it's hard and he got every right to be pissed right now but I also want to do it , its very special.

Suhani- I will be fine .

Jimin-Ok fine you want to do this Ritual than you are staying at home taking a day off from work .

Suhani-What? No I can't do that I have appointments fixed and there are already two surgeries I have to perform today .

Jimin- There you go either you don't go on work because surely I won't let you work in an empty stomach and that too when I know that how much load you take of work so stay at home and do whatever Ritual you wanna do or if you can't than no need to have this fasting ritual you come downstairs with me and we'll have a breakfast without having any argument now .

I just look at him with my "are you fucking serious right now" and he look at me with his face "Yes , I am fucking serious" I sighed and keep my hands on his chest and press myself to him and I made puppy eyes and pout .

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