CH-12 Bells of Happiness

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Jihye- Come back soon ok

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Jihye- Come back soon ok .

Suhani-Yeah sure .

Kate- And yeah do no forget we have to do so many preparations of ayla's wedding now .

She said hugging me and I nooded smiling.

Suhani- Sure .

As it's times for me and Jimin to go home it's already late and we are saying our goodbye as I went to Grandfather and I smile

Suhani-Won't you give me a hug?

Elliot- Ofcourse.

I hugged him and he patted my head

Elliot-Think about the marriage ok ?

Suhani-Sure .

I just agree with him because surely right now don't want any argument as I look at jimin who is talking to boys .

Jonghyun- Take care ok .

At last I hugged him as Jimin also look at everyone

Jimin- Shall we go love?

Suhani- yeah .

I walked to his side and I waved goodbye to everyone as with us Ayla and Jungkook also left while they are going to there place .

Ayla-I'll call you tomorrow ok .

Suhani-Yeah just do in the morning only .

Ayla-Sure .

As we both get inside the different cars and than Jimin and Jungkook also hugged one last time and get inside I found Tobby on driver seat I guess mukhtar and Arif went home early .

Sitting in the car Jimin close the door and tobby start the car droving away while I tried to take out my hair from the necklace which I am wearing

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Sitting in the car Jimin close the door and tobby start the car droving away while I tried to take out my hair from the necklace which I am wearing.

Suhani-Gosh this is so heavy .

Jimin- Show me.

I turn around a little and he carefully take out my all hairs which get stuck in necklace as while I fix the bangles and the drape of the saree and just wanting to get out of this heavy saree and jwellery.

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