CH-18 Trouble Makers Got Arrested

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It's three Forty five of the morning and Jimin phone is ringing which is on night stand but he is in so deep sleep that he cannot hear the ringtone and the same goes with suhani they both are tired and sleeping very deeply but the continuous buzzi...

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It's three Forty five of the morning and Jimin phone is ringing which is on night stand but he is in so deep sleep that he cannot hear the ringtone and the same goes with suhani they both are tired and sleeping very deeply but the continuous buzzing of the phone make Jimin shift on bed as he thought it's the alarm of the morning but when he look out of windows it's still pretty dark . He streched out his hand to pick up his phone and grab it he look at the caller ID it's unknown.

He pick the call fastly not wanting to wake up his wife who is fast asleep he put the phone against his ear and he speak in his deep raspy sleepy voice .

On call
Jimin-Hello , Who's this?
Men- Am I Speaking to Mr Park Jimin?
Jimin-Yes .
Men- Mr Park you need to come to the city police station right now , we have your brother in our custody.
Jimin-What rubbish you are talking?
Men- It's not any prank Mr Park we got your brother arrested you come here and see by yourself and we can talk here only .
Jimin-Ok I am coming.

Jimin hunged up the call and he take a deep breath he didn't know what is going on , his brother that means Park Jay but why would police arrest Jay? That's a unknown reason as Jimin knew he have to and find out what really happened, he look at suhani who is still sleeping and hugging him , he carefully take her hands off him and make sure she doesn't wake up he get out of bed and pull the duvet over her covering her properly.

He doesn't want to disturb her at middle of her sleeping so that's why he probably he doesn't wake her up he leaned down giving her a kiss on her temples as Jimin walked in the wardrobe and just put on a normal hoddie and wore sweatpants and picking one of his car keys he walked out of bedroom without making any further noise .

He directly make his way to the underground home garage through elevator and in middle he called Arif to know about the sudden situation but he didn't let Arif come with him instead he just told him to take care of house he didn't know what is going on ? It can be some sort of prank also or his enemies plan to get to him in that case he can't oversee his wife protection.

So he get in one of his sport car and drove away going to the city police station he drove fastly wanting to reach to his brother if he's in any danger or if this is any prank he is surely not going to like the fact that someone did this with him when he is in middle of sleep and he left his wife at home and in no time he is at police station.

So he get in one of his sport car and drove away going to the city police station he drove fastly wanting to reach to his brother if he's in any danger or if this is any prank he is surely not going to like the fact that someone did this with him ...

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