CH-31 Present for life

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As we walked inside the house after bidding our goodbye to everyone

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As we walked inside the house after bidding our goodbye to everyone.

Suhani- I thought I'd never see you again.

I whisper. There  the words are out. All my worst fears packaged neatly in one short sentence now are out.

Jimin- It wasn't as bad as it sounds.

I pick up his suit jacket and shoes from where they lie on the floor and move toward him and keeping the jacket on couch . He is here, really here. He pulls me into his arms and wraps himself around me.

Suhani- Jimin .

I gasp, and my tears start flowing

Jimin- Shh .

He soothes, kissing my hair.

Jimin- You know... in the few seconds of sheer terror before I landed, all my thoughts were of you Senòrita.

Suhani- I thought I'd lost you.

I breathe. We stand, holding each other, reconnecting and reassuring each other. As I tighten my arms around him, I realize I'm still holding his shoes. I drop them noisily to the floor as we break apart he graze his nose with mine and attach his forhead with mine .

Suhani-It's after midnight.

Jimin-Hmm I am not tired .

Suhani- No it's your birthday.

He seems to think like he is remembering what date it is today before chuckling to me

Jimin- Yeah .

He smiled and so do I .

Suhani- Happy birthday.

Jimin- Thankyou.

Suhani-Do you still have that gift I gave you?

He frowned looking at me as he stopped grazing his nose with mine and look at me before he walked to the couch and pick his jacket while I sat down on the other othe couch as he pick his jacket and takeout the little box .

Jimin-You know you don't have to , all I want is you .

Suhani-Just open it .

Jimin-Ok .

He smiled as he opened the gift I grin sheepily at him. Jeez, I feel giggliy He gives me his shy smile, and I melt despite my thumping heart, delighting in his amused yet intrigued expression.

With deft long fingers, he unwraps and opens the box. His brow creases as he took out a small, rectangular, plastic keychain bearing a picture made up of tiny pixels that flash on and off like an LED screen. It depicts the England skyline, focusing on the Space Needle, with the word ENGLANd written boldly across the landscape, flashing on and off.

He stares at it for a moment and then gazes at me bemused, a frown marring his lovely brow.

Jimin- Keychain .

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