CH-27 War And Peace

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Jimin and I walked in one of the reasturant and ofcourse it's my favourite reasturant and ofcourse he is the owner of this reasturant and it's named after mine this is recently opened in the city and its my favourite because the food of this place...

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Jimin and I walked in one of the reasturant and ofcourse it's my favourite reasturant and ofcourse he is the owner of this reasturant and it's named after mine this is recently opened in the city and its my favourite because the food of this place is just so amazing .

We take our seat and waiter just put the alcohol basket with every type of drink in it and a water also .

We sat on couch and I sta beside him and look around the place people are present here and so do our bodyguards.

Jimin- We will call you . Just do not disturb.

He said to waiter as he bowed and left while I look down at my hand and my wedding ring is on I didn't remember putting it and than I look at jimin he also had his ring on and maybe he's the one who put it .

Jimin- Just as I thought you are killing it Senòrita.

He take my attention as he praise me for the dress he brought and I am wearing it right now

Outfit :

Suhani- Well you never upsets me Mr Park

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Suhani- Well you never upsets me Mr Park.

I said smiling as he pour the wine in our glasses and I pick up and take a sip .

Jimin- Now we both didn't had gone to the party what we will say .

Suhani-Come on I told you to go but you didn't thats not my fault.

Jimin-What would I do? If you are not going to be there Senòrita.

Suhani- Come on jimin your friends are going to be there .

Jimin-Hmm they are but still not my wife .

I just sip on my drink and ofcourse now we didn't go to the party and I know Ella , taehyung will be angry but I will surely make her understand the situation.

Jimin-What feeling sad now?

Suhani-What no jimin I am just going to tell her the situation and she will understand.

Jimin- ofcourse she will anyway I already told taehyung and he will handle the situation .

Suhani- hmm .

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