CH-56 To all those beautiful daughters

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Finally after spending our few hours in Manchester we came to london and thankfully we are on time , Jimin told Arif to directly bring us to his fatm house where all the wedding functions and rituals will held onto

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Finally after spending our few hours in Manchester we came to london and thankfully we are on time , Jimin told Arif to directly bring us to his fatm house where all the wedding functions and rituals will held onto .

We both walked inside in hand and hand and as soon as we are entered the room is filled with laughters, talking and slow music and Looking around the living room I found everyone is here atleast every girl is here .

Rose-Oh finally our bride is here...

She is the first one to come and hug me joining by ayla .

Ayla-Thank god you are okay.

Suhani-I am good guys .

We break apart as our mother came and they also hugged me softly.

Jihye-You are on time we all are just waiting for you so that we can start with game's.

Ana- And You son In law you can't stay here this is only women's function.

Hawasa-Yes No men's are allowed .

Jimin-Than where are other's?

Jennie- Everyone is at patk mansion join them now that you left your wife here she is now our responsibility.

He nooded and Look at me I smiled as he hold my hand and turn me around.

Jimin- Arif is staying here with his team .

Suhani-Yeah Sure.

He pecked my lips and left the room turning around and I watch him walking away and I already start missing him .

Evelyn-What happen sister? Are you already missing our brother in law huh?

She said wiggling her eyebrows and teasing me as other's laughed at me .

Jihye-Come On girls don't tease her now.

I look away as honestly I am blushing as we moved to sit on the couch .

Ana- Ok going with the first Ritual

Jihye- Rose , Ayla and Kate you guys come and start giving your gifts which you brought for your sister in law .

Yeri-Aunty so is this ritual will be done by those three only .

Ana- Yes Yeri Rose , Ayla and Kate are jimin's sister and according yo relation now they are suhani sister in law's and this ritual only done by sister's of brother.

Jihye-Yes so Rose , Ayla and Kate come on girls.

Ayla-Maa what about that turmeric shower ritual .

Jennie-Oh Ayla that ritual is going to be done Tommrow on the big scale and that too with bride and Groom together.

Ella- Come on Guys go ahead .

Jihye-Suhani dear will you cover your head with this .

She hand me the red stall and than she place it on my head with her hands and I smile but honestly I am not getting any of these rituals but everyone looks so happy so I just go without any questions.

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