CH-34 Past lives lover

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As we walked into the party venue and honestly I really didn't get that why there are so many people as much as I remember it's supposed to be family and friends

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As we walked into the party venue and honestly I really didn't get that why there are so many people as much as I remember it's supposed to be family and friends.

Jimin- By chance is it possible that we are in wrong party?

Suhani-Um I don't think so .

We both look at other guests from Jimin's workplace, Mrs Jihye friends and guests gosh what the hell . As Jimin grip on my hand get soft and we moved further in the party making our way between the guests .

Guest- Happy birthday Jimin .

Jimin-Yeah thanks.

Everyone who sees him start wishing him while we get through the party . The guests , friends, family laughing, talking, enjoying there drinks the slow music is playing in the background as the waitress came with the drinks

Waitress- Mr Park ?

She bring the tray of two champagne.

Jimin- Yeah I surely need this .

He said picking up the glass while looking at me he must be really thinking that I fooled him about the small party but honestly I also had no idea what is really happened . As waitress flash her wide smile at jimin and I rolled my eyes at her cringiness we didn't even enter in the party and already the girls and ladies are swooping over him .

Suhani- Thanks for the drinks .

I smile at waitress as she look at me and she get scared of my glares and she walked away .

Jimin- You look more frustrated than me love .

Suhani- I had no idea how the small party converted into this big , room filled with guests and all .

Mrs Jihye- Jimin ...

We both look towards her direction who came over us holding drink in one glass and she hugged Jimin giving him kiss on the both cheeks .

Jihye- Happy birthday son .

Jimin-Thankyou Mrs Jihye .

I look over at jimin and his emotionless stony face is back she smiled and than she look at me

Mrs Jihye- Suhani hii.

Suhani-Maa ..

We shared a hug as she kisses me the same way she kiss Jimin before breaking away .

Jihye- So good to see you again dear.

Jimin-You saw us last night.

He said dryly as I look over at him asi hissed and he shrugged sipping on his drink and Mrs Jihye smile at both of us

Jihye- Yes and because of that I am never taking anything for granted ever again .

She said with a smile and a seriousness in her voice

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