CH-25 The new family member

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The morning comes with a brightest sunny day and the light makes it way in the room hitting my face I am sleeping in a deep sleep but what wakes me up is that I feel my face is being licked or kissed I don't know and I am sure it's no other than J...

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The morning comes with a brightest sunny day and the light makes it way in the room hitting my face I am sleeping in a deep sleep but what wakes me up is that I feel my face is being licked or kissed I don't know and I am sure it's no other than Jimin , I slowly open my eyes to only scream on the top off my lungs to see who's licking my face and it's a small white puppet.

Suhani-Oh My god JIMIN !!!

I look at him who's rolling on the bed laughing out loudly and the dog which look at him with his puppy eyes and than he start circling around on bed only .

Jimin-That was so funny haha Senòrita your face that was funny.

I rolled my eyes and than the little puppy barked with his small voice on me and I widen my eyes.

Suhani- Ok stop laughing you idiot and tell me what's going here?

He finally looked at me and sat down on bed while he hold the dog in his arms and that dog start licking his face showing the affection.

Jimin- Ok little one that's enough.

The dog instantly stopped and get quite in his arms woah he already seems to know Jimin .

Suhani- Dog ? What you are doing with dog?

Jimin- I brought him .

Suhani- You brought the puppy?

Jimin- Yes baby brought him this morning only.

Suhani- And the puppy is going to love with us?

Jimin-Hmm for few days .

Suhani-For few days but why for few days .

Jimin- Husky is going to stay with us just for few days before jay come backs home .

Suhani-Oh so this Little cute creature is for Jay .

Jimin- Yes .

The dog again barked and I chuckled looking at the cute puppy.

Suhani-He is so cute can I have him ?

Jimin-Sure Husky say Hi to Senòrita.

He barked with a cute voice and than he jumped out of jimin's arm and ran in my he climb on my laps and start smelling me and licking me as I laughed.

Jimin- And he already seems to like you .

Suhani- Oh my gosh it's tickling.

Husky stopped licking me and look at me with his doe eyes as he jumped out of my arms and he start rolling on the bed while I shift towards Jimin and sat in his laps he hold me I keep my hands around his neck.

Suhani-Jay is going to love this surprise of yours .

Jimin- Couldn't gift him on the Christmas that why I got it today.

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