CH-55 Visit To Manchester

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Jimin- Ok thanks Wifey ....

I look at him with my "I am so done with you face" while he bite on the strawberry which I throw towards him to hit him with it but he is good enough to catch it and showing me his ridiculous grin I start serving us breakfast and mumbled so many things in arif native language cursing him for being so cocky and annoying this morning.

He slapped my butt infront of natalie and that sound which Came when he hit me is so embarassing she must be thinking of how much cringe we both were....I look at him who is still grinning at me like an idiot ajd I swear I want to punch away that grin but the other side of me loving his this side him being all in good and chill mood makes me relax because most of the time he is always being that cold heartless bastard and a whole different men but right now I just feel good to see him like that .

Jimin- Are you wearing that to manchester? 

Suhani- Yes Why do you have any problem with that? 

Jimin- Why would I be having problem love? It will be problem for those mens out there who will even give you a single glance and looking at your ass I mean ofcousre next thing thet will see them in hell . 

I look at him with tell me you are not serious right now face and he stayed serious looking at me 

Suhani- That's a good way of making me want to change the dress Mr Park but for your kin information I am not changing any outfit now We didn't have any time for that . 

I passed him his black coffee and his breakfast plate while he nooded smiling at my way . 

Jimin- Ofcourse Mrs Park I would love to have some killing this morning . 

Suhani- Oh you are not doing that Jimin. 

Jimin- And what makes you think that I won't do it Sweetheart ? 

Suhani- What a chauvanistic bastard you are ... Can't even letting your wife wear her favourite outfit . 

I can see his smile drop and Now he is serious no not serious its something more dark like posession which flashed across his dark icy blue eyes and making me feel all powerless infront of him . He stood up from his stool and walked around the counter coming beside me and I sit straight facing him as he grab the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him and pressed his body to his while he speak against my lips brushing them with his......

Jimin- I don't care what you wear senorita or how short or revealing dress you wear All I know if someone is looking at what is mine I swear the next thing will be my bullet bursting there brain into tiny little pieces . So don't even think of that I will ever stop you from wearing dresses like that because I don't know if this will sound very good to you but I love seeingb you in these type dresses . 

Suhani- Why?

Jimin- Because I can easily get what I want ...

And I swear in this moment I forgot to breath and I resist the urge to get the taste of his lips and maybe something more which my body seem to crave from the time he spanked me and I saw him wearing that Dark blue shirt with rolled up sleeves and black pant an that shirt which fit across his boy in such a awesome way and giving me the look of his chesilled chest making me want to run my toungue across it . 

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