CH-43 Men in Shadow

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I am all ready to leave for met gala and sitting in drawing room waiting for my wife who is still not ready after our last argument I didn't go to the bedroom I get ready in another room giving her all space she need but with me its just opposite ...

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I am all ready to leave for met gala and sitting in drawing room waiting for my wife who is still not ready after our last argument I didn't go to the bedroom I get ready in another room giving her all space she need but with me its just opposite I want to be close to her every fucking second.

Only I know how I am resisting the urge to go near her and Kiss her again and tell her everything, every truth and apologise to her but she is not ready to listen to me everytime I Tried to go close to her , she just stay away from me , she is not letting me close to her and this tells me how badly I fucked up everything , I messed with her heart this time , shattered it into million of pieces and she can't seem to believe me . Her words are still lingering in my head when she told me she couldn't believe me if I am lying or telling truth and when I kissed her , she didn't kissed me and I felt more angry and frustrated.

She is testing my patience lately and I might lose it if I soon didn't get her Its been long and now that she is here I just want to ....


I was interrupted with my thoughts and look at eren who is walking downstairs while his whole focus is on on his ipad not even seeing his steps he is is so busy with his ipad god knows what he is doing and suddenly he stumbled on last step making himself fall on his ass and wincing from pain .


I took a deep breath and just shake my head already done with him .

Eren-Rude aren't you? Help me getting up .

Jimin- You got your own legs.

He mumbled something in his native launguage and push himself from the floor while fixing his tux he walked to couch and take a seat again focusing on ipad and now I saw him he is playing Game .

Jimin-Stop playing game and give me the details of plan .

Eren- I already gave you .

Jimin- You sure he is going to be there?

Eren-Yeah He is Going to be because somehow he gets to know that Princess will also be there he won't miss any opportunity to get to her , that night in fashion show also he is there because he knows she is there ....

Jimin- You will keep Andrea updated with everything you hacked every camera at event so if something happens inform Andrea , Mukhtar , Arif or tobby they all are going to be present there.

Eren- Ok I get that but I didn't get one thing when you know he is going to be there than why are you taking princess with you she is more safe here .

Jimin- No she is more safe by my side I know that men can do anything to get to her. So its better she stays by my side tonight.

Eren- Ok as You say and just in case you would need Backup so Seulgi will be ready at the back of door . Just inform me with that invisible ear peice you had in your ear . I will inform seulgi and she will be there for your help with our team .

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