CH-13 What was I made for ?

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Ayla- Come on don't you think that is just too much

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Ayla- Come on don't you think that is just too much .

Suhani-Actually no it's not we are having a girls night one night before the wedding and I planned everything Ayla so I am not listening to you .

Jennie- Yeah and come on its your bachelor party girl you are getting married so lets have fun .

Ayla-But you know that we are not having that big wedding right? It's personal and private.

Hawasa-Right and that's why we are having the house party girl .

Rose-Let me tell her problem is that she can't meet Jungkook that night right.

Jennie-Yeah that's the real problem but didn't you heard the gossip girl they are having there own bachelor party at Jimin's place .

Suhani-What on ours place? Why I didn't knew about this?

Jennie-Yeah I also got to know from jhope this evening the men's are having there bachelor party at Jimin's place and you don't know this but Jimin is planning everything for jungkook to have the best night of his life just like you are planning everything for Ayla .

Hawasa- Woah that's a news but girls come on now we have to make this party more fun for sure the men's are going to have all the fun so why we stay back .

Rose-I couldn't be more angry and you my sister don't be a party popper .

Ayla-Ok fine Fine but where are we doing the bachleor part now that brother's place is actually occupied now what about us?

Suhani- I will do something and inform you guys ok but now moving onto the next subject what games are we having before the wedding and bridal shower how are we doing it .

Rose-Right I planned the bridal shower and mom told us that we are having bridal shower at Park Mansions event room.

Ayla- Yeah and not only the bridal shower but all the functions and games are going to be held at park mansion.

Hawasa- Did jungkook and his family are ok with it?

Ayla- Yeah they are fine because the after weeding programme his family had managed all those things at there personal farmhouse.

Jennie-That's great than everything is settled.

As hawasa stood up and brought the wine bottle and she pour us but not herself and I look at her noticing she isn't having drink which is actually weird .

Suhani-What is going on Mrs Matthew Kim why are you not having drinks?

She smiled to me

Hawasa- I guess after Nine Months.


She said almost jumping and hugging hawasa as we laughed

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