CH-51 Charmer's

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Ayla- I put her to sleep at mansion she is tired dancing all the way in the dance floor and she just slept

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Ayla- I put her to sleep at mansion she is tired dancing all the way in the dance floor and she just slept.

Suhani-Oh ok but I really wanted to meet her .

Ayla- Even she also but from the time she got her she is just dancing and dancing playing and running around all the place with Jeremy and Henry and even they also fall asleep so Jennie , hawasa and me decided to out them at sleep in mansion when we will go we'll pick them up .

Suhani- Yeah actually this party is kind off for elders so let them rest.

Hawasa- Hey girls I am back .

She said joining us she went to take a drink and we smile.

Hawasa-So what Did I missed?

Suhani-Nothing we were just talking about how you mommy's put your kids to sleep and having fun here .

Hawasa-Hey come on this is after so long that I am having a party without henry because we never left him alone so girl let me enjoy ok .

Jennie-Yeah I agree on that motherhood can be so tiring.

She also joined is with Kate , lisa beside her .

Lisa- Than who told you guys to give birth if you guys can't handle .

Ayla-And Here goes lisa bitchy mouth.

Jennie-Just ignore her guys she is already drunk her ass off .

Lisa rolled her eyes and we all laughed at her sassiness.

Kate-Her husband couldn't make is si she is taking out all of her anger while drinking that way .

Hawasa- He must be busy right?

Jennie-Yeah Jhope called him but he is really busy in work .

Rose-Hey guysss Look who I got here my USA friends....

She said joining us with four other girls who are actually from USA we all met them and introduced eachother while Me and Ayla is really rolling our eyes when rose USA friends start showing off there lifestyle like they think that we are just someone who never look around the world and we don't know how it works but we all also just keep showing our fake smile because they are her friends and we surely don't want to make them feel bad as they are our guests , soon syria , irene , Evelyn and Ella also join us and we all just catch up like old times .

Its been so fun while catching up with my girls because after so long I am also interested in what they got to tell me because everytime even I am joining them in a party I just don't have my full focus on them my mind is used to be always thinking about my husband but now he is here ofcourse right now I also I am thinking about him but knowing that he is having good time with his friends and I am also gossiping with my girls.

The time start passing as Me and Syria also met so many guests who Maa introduced us too as I am not meeting all these guests first time they are all Maa friends who really loves to tease but syria handle them pretty well also she is seeing them first time and meeting them first time , because as now she is dating jay and for sure they will get married in future ofcourse not now but yeah ome day .

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