CH-14 Pot of Sins

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We all are sitting around the dinning area and it's a silence as servants serve us lunch and I surely just want to leave from here because I can't understand a thing that why my mother is still hiding things from her and what's really going on but...

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We all are sitting around the dinning area and it's a silence as servants serve us lunch and I surely just want to leave from here because I can't understand a thing that why my mother is still hiding things from her and what's really going on but to keep my relax Jimin had his hand on my thigh crasseing it softly and making me relax .

Ana- I am glad you guys came today for lunch Thank you so much .

Jimin- Oh no Mrs Linton actually I am also looking forward to meet you .

Ana- About What Mr Park?

Jimin- You know about the buisness thing like you had finally gotten your all property, buisness and royal title back but I am sure my assistant told you that I returned the buisness, not you guys win it .

Evelyn-What does that means?

I look at jimin who eat the salad and nodded.

Jimin- It means after taking over the family buisness of Linton family and it's all property and hotels they are under me and they are still under me I am still holding the title of real owner your mom is just working for me .

Mark-You mean to say that you s now hold the position of boss .

Jimin-Ofcourse Little Linton I do everything is under me and by everything means everything, she is just doing everything because she is holding the position of manager under me thats it my team is telling her to work .

Suhani- So in other words you are her boss's boss's boss.

Jimin-Yeah I own everything belongs to Linton.

Ana- You don't have to worry about that Jimin I am very aware of it and actually I am grateful for you to give us back our tittle and buisness and also I wouldn't mind you being my boss afterall now you are family, you are the son in law of Lintons.

She said all smiling as I look at her when her eyes met mine .

Ana- Before talking about other things I want to tell you guys that Ella and Taehyung wedding will be in few months the preparations are already started we are having the big wedding.

Suhani- I will be there for the wedding.

Ana- and you Jimin?

She said looking at him and he nooded .

Jimin-Ofcourse how can I miss the wedding of my in laws side ofcourse I will be present.

Evelyn-What about the rule of eder getting married mom? Isn't sister is supposed to get married first according to the family rule the youngest can't get married untill the elder child gets married.

Ana-It's time to change the rule Evelyn dear as we know that they just got engaged and surely they are not getting married anytime soon right Guys .

Suhani- Right we are not getting married let Ella get married.

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