CH-44 Cheating?

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I hate it when I was interrupted when I am spending a quality time with my wife and some motherfucker interupted me in middle of that well not any other motherfucker but its him

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I hate it when I was interrupted when I am spending a quality time with my wife and some motherfucker interupted me in middle of that well not any other motherfucker but its him . I can tell by his shadow that its him who is keeping an eye on us from the time we entered in the party I can feel his prying eyes on me and not only me but my wife she also also seem to be effected by it but she didn't said it out loud. I noticed her being uncomfortable thats why she told me to go out of room earlier and I took her because I know that he is here because I can feel his presence in the room.

I left suhani in one of the hotel room and she will surely be safe there untill I Finish my work as I am walking in the hallway when from the other end I hear heels clicking down on the tile floor as I look up and Found andrea Walking from other side we both instantly put our guns down and she bowed to me while walking towards my way .

Jimin- Arif and Mukhtar are they on there position?

Andrea-They are .

Eren- That bastard is roaming on the upper floor he must be checking in which room you put Princess.

I clenched my jaw as I look up at ceiling and so does andrea he is just on upper floor while as we focused we can also hear his footsteps walking in the hallway.

Jimin- Did He seem to figure out the room?

Eren-No he didn't he seems confused .

Jimin-Thats because he is an idiot he thinks I will be an idiot to let him get to her this easily all this time I protected her from him and today also I am going to the same thing. 

Eren- He is coming down on your guys floor. 

Andrea- Eren where is his room? 

Eren- Run straight fastly and than take a left turn on the first corner only the room first is only its room . 

As me and andrea run the way eren instruct us through the Ear peice and we finally come across the room which is locked and its also locked but with a pin 

Jimin- Whats the pin? 

Eren- Give me a minute I will open it. 

As we waited and all we can hear the fast typing on his laptop keyboard 

Andrea- Seulgi I couldn't find her anywhere ? 

Jimin- She is not my problem for now . 

Eren- Done the door is unlocked you guys can get in now. 

I smriked as we get in the room finally and I chuckled this is the time when things will get fun the moment which I waited for one and a half year .

I smriked as we get in the room finally and I chuckled this is the time when things will get fun the moment which I waited for one and a half year

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