CH-20 Running Away

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The next morning I woke up early well the things changed with me , as I am not a early morning person but from the time I again come back at the working women I changed my routine Waking up early in the morning ofcourse not more early than my husb...

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The next morning I woke up early well the things changed with me , as I am not a early morning person but from the time I again come back at the working women I changed my routine Waking up early in the morning ofcourse not more early than my husband but still I woke up after him .

I am grinding the juice while Natalie is making a breakfast today is a working day ofcourse Jimin is getting ready to leave for his work .

Suhani- Natalie when is Luna coming back ?

I asked her as Luna went to home because of some family problems knowing Natalie and her are sister's as Natalie can't go so Luna took holidays .

Natalie- Mrs Park she told me things are still not good at home so maybe she will take mire one or two weeks off .

Suhani-Ok Ok no problem tell her no need to be worry and if you guys want any help just tell me .

Natalie- Mr Park is already been a big help and we couldn't ask for more .

Suhani- Just let us know ok .

Natalie- Sure anyway do I have to pack your lunch ?

Suhani- Um ok fine just do it .

Jay-Good Morning Princess .

Suhani-Good Morning.

He said taking a seat on stool while I pass him the morning coffee .

Jay- You seem ready to go one work .

Suhani-I do and you are coming with me .

Jay-Why I have to come with you?

I glare at him and he raised his eyebrows.

Jay- What's with that dangerous Look Sister in law?

Suhani- Do not act like you don't what is the day today .

Jay-We have to cancel it today I got my important meeting with my company.

Suhani-Than when you will come .

Jay- I will tell you about it.

Suhani-Stay away from drugs and alcohol Jay I am warning you .

He look at me and than he slowly nooded Natalie serve him the breakfast.

Jay- Sorry but that night I just can't help it .

Suhani-Your one silly mistake can turn your whole life into something you have no idea . I don't know what is going in your head at that time ?

I look at him as he keep silent looking down his plate of breakfast and he seems to be in deep thoughts.

Jay- Brother forgive me right?

Suhani- You should know that better than me he is your brother.

Jay-He forgive me and that's what I wanted I achieved it and now I can rest peacefully.

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