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☆ 14. Chapter 14 Retreat

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Chapter 14 Retreat

Chapter 14 Retreat

Originally Feng Yuan wanted to drive back to the hotel right away. But since there was nothing wrong with the car, and he didn't trust his young master to go to the hotel alone first. So in the end, he decided to drive to He Cheng's community to send He Cheng home before driving back to the hotel.

Regarding Feng Yuan's decision, the happiest person was Xue Jiarui. It's not easy for him to go out this time. If he has to go back to the hotel so soon, he will definitely be very unwilling. As for when the car has arrived at the community, he will find another way to prevent Feng Yuan from returning to the hotel immediately. To be honest, he hasn't had enough fun today!

Afterwards, Feng Yuan greeted Qi Qi and the others and drove to Qi Qi's community first. As for enlightening them, he wanted to send the Ji siblings home first.

After saying goodbye to Feng Yuan, they all sat tiredly in the car. Although there was no fierce fighting along the way, the excessive mental stress made them all feel very tired. Now they are sitting in the car seat looking at the seat from behind to relieve the pressure.

I just drove all the way from them. This is a scenic spot. Strictly speaking, it is a holiday these days and there should be a lot of people here. But I dont know what happened just now. Now I havent seen a single person along the way. It was as if everyone saw something scary and hid!

As for this situation, Fang Qi and the others who were sitting here also noticed it.

While driving, Fang Qi observed the side of the road. He found that not only the people wandering on the street disappeared, but also some shops on the street had closed their doors.

Judging from the fruits, snacks and other things scattered in front of the shops on the road, they were actually in a hurry when they closed the shop.

It seems that those zombies have indeed escaped. Fang Qi thought, it's just that the surroundings are dark now, and it's hard to see in which corner the zombies are standing. And the weather today is really weird. It's only noon, but it suddenly became gloomy outside. I thought it was going to rain, but it's been more than an hour since I came here, and no raindrops have fallen.

"What are you thinking about?" Anchi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, noticed Qi Qi's frown and asked with concern.

"Huh?" When An Chi suddenly asked him, Fang Qi was stunned for a moment before he realized and noticed the presence of An Chi beside him.

"I was wondering how the weather outside could get dark so quickly. It feels very abnormal." Fang Qi replied.

"Yes, the recent weather has been very abnormal." An Chi said, frowning.

The three people in the back seat just looked out the window silently. Thinking about your own things or being in a daze.

Suddenly, a zombie appeared in front of the car. Fang Qi was stunned for a moment, then immediately changed the direction of the car and drove to another small road. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the mirror in shock, and the mirror reflected the faces of the three people behind him with the same astonished expressions as his.

"Zombies..." are already all over the city!

After that, Fang Qi drove the car to the door of the Ji siblings' home.

"If anything happens to you here, you can call me! If I can help you, I will try my best to come over." An Chi said, giving out his number. "The situation outside is not yet certain. If you can't go out these days, don't go out. If you can, it's best to save more food and daily necessities." Looking at Ji Xiuming walking out of the car, Anchi warned him one by one. of. Although he didn't know what would happen in the future, the appearance of the monster made Anchi extremely uneasy.

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